S912XEQ384J3MALR Freescale Semiconductor, S912XEQ384J3MALR Datasheet - Page 189



Manufacturer Part Number
S912XEQ Series 16 Bit 50 Mhz 384 KB Flash 24 KB Ram Microcontroller - LQFP-112
Freescale Semiconductor
The S12X architecture implements a number of memory mapping schemes including
The MMC module performs translation of the different memory mapping schemes to the specific global
(physical) memory implementation.
This subsection lists and briefly describes all operating modes supported by the MMC.
1. Resources are also called targets.
Freescale Semiconductor
Simultaneous accesses to different resources
Resolution of target bus access collision
MCU operation mode control
MCU security control
Separate memory map schemes for each master CPU, BDM and XGATE
ROM control bits to enable the on-chip FLASH or ROM selection
Port replacement registers access control
Generation of system reset when CPU accesses an unimplemented address (i.e., an address which
does not belong to any of the on-chip modules) in single-chip modes
a CPU 8 MByte global map, defined using a global page (GPAGE) register and dedicated 23-bit
address load/store instructions.
a BDM 8 MByte global map, defined using a global page (BDMGPR) register and dedicated 23-
bit address load/store instructions.
a (CPU or BDM) 64 KByte local map, defined using specific resource page (RPAGE, EPAGE and
PPAGE) registers and the default instruction set. The 64 KBytes visible at any instant can be
considered as the local map accessed by the 16-bit (CPU or BDM) address.
The XGATE 64 Kbyte local map.
Run mode
MMC is functional during normal run mode.
Wait mode
MMC is functional during wait mode.
Stop mode
MMC is inactive during stop mode.
Single chip modes
In normal and special single chip mode the internal memory is used. External bus is not active.
S12X Memory Mapping
Modes of Operation
Power Saving Modes
Functional Modes
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.24
(internal, external, and peripherals) (see
Chapter 3 Memory Mapping Control (S12XMMCV4)
Figure 3-1

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