EVAL-ADUC836QS AD [Analog Devices], EVAL-ADUC836QS Datasheet - Page 47



Manufacturer Part Number
MicroConverter, Dual 16-Bit ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash MCU
AD [Analog Devices]
The main features of the MicroConverter I
Software Master Mode
The ADuC836 can be used as an I
the I
the data bit by bit, which is referred to as a software mas ter. Master
mode is enabled by setting the I2CM bit in the I2CCON register.
To transmit data on the SDATA line, MDE must be set to enable
the output driver on the SDATA pin. If MDE is set, the SDATA
pin will be pulled high or low de pend ing on wheth er the MDO
bit is set or cleared. MCO controls the SCLOCK pin and is
always con fi g ured as an output in Master mode. In Master mode,
the SCLOCK pin will be pulled high or low de pend ing on the
wheth er MCO is set or cleared.
To receive data, MDE must be cleared to disable the out put driver
on SDATA. Software must provide the clocks by tog gling the
MCO bit and reading the SDATA pin via the MDI bit. If MDE
is cleared, MDI can be used to read the SDATA pin. The value of
the SDATA pin is latched into MDI on a rising edge of SCLOCK.
MDI is set if the SDATA pin was high on the last rising edge of
SCLOCK. MDI is clear if the SDATA pin was low on the last
rising edge of SCLOCK.
Software must control MDO, MCO, and MDE appropriately to
generate the START condition, slave ad dress, ac knowl edge bits,
data bytes, and STOP conditions. These functions are provided
in Application Note uC001.
Hardware Slave Mode
After reset, the ADuC836 defaults to hardware Slave mode. The
Slave mode is enabled by clearing the I2CM bit in I2CCON.
The ADuC836 has a full hardware slave. In Slave mode, the I
ad dress is stored in the I2CADD reg is ter. Data re ceived or to be
trans mit ted is stored in the I2CDAT register.
REV. 0
C interface is enabled by clearing the SPE bit in SPICON.
Only two bus lines are required: a serial data line (SDATA)
and a serial clock line (SCLOCK).
An I
Because each slave device has a unique 7-bit address, single
master/slave re la tion ships can exist at all times even in a
multislave environment (Figure 35).
On-chip fi ltering rejects <50 ns spikes on the SDATA and
SCLOCK lines to preserve data integrity.
C peripheral in Master mode and writing software to out put
C master can communicate with multiple slave devices.
Figure 35. Typical I
C master device by con fi g ur ing
C System
C interface are:
Once enabled in I
a START condition. If the ADuC836 detects a valid start con-
di tion fol lowed by a valid address, and by the R/
interrupt bit will be automatically set by hardware.
The I
has preconfi gured the I
as well as the global interrupt Bit
On the ADuC836, an auto clear of the I2CI bit is im ple ment ed
so this bit is cleared automatically on a read or write access to the
If for any reason the user tries to clear the in ter rupt more than
once, i.e., access the data SFR more than once per interrupt,
then the I
be reset using the I2CRS bit.
The user can choose to poll the I2CI bit or enable the in ter rupt.
In the case of the interrupt, the PC counter will vector to 003BH
at the end of each complete byte. For the fi rst byte when the user
gets to the I2CI ISR, the 7-bit address and the R/
in the I2CDAT SFR.
The I2CTX bit contains the R/
I2CTX is set, the master would like to receive a byte. Therefore,
the slave will trans mit data by writ ing to the I2CDAT register.
If I2CTX is cleared, the master would like to transmit a byte.
Therefore, the slave will re ceive a serial byte. The software can
in ter ro gate the state of I2CTX to determine whether it should
write to or read from I2CDAT.
Once the ADuC836 has received a valid address, hardware will
hold SCLOCK low until the I2CI bit is cleared by the software.
This allows the master to wait for the slave to be ready before
transmitting the clocks for the next byte.
The I2CI interrupt bit will be set every time a complete data byte
is received or transmitted provided it is followed by a valid ACK.
If the byte is followed by a NACK, an interrupt is gen er at ed. The
ADuC836 will continue to issue in ter rupts for each complete
data byte transferred until a STOP condition is received or the
interface is reset.
When a STOP condition is received, the interface will reset to a
state where it is waiting to be addressed (idle). Sim i lar ly, if the
interface receives a NACK at the end of a sequence, it also re turns
to the default idle state. The I2CRS bit can be used to reset the
the default idle state.
It should be noted that there is no way (in hardware) to dis tin guish
be tween an in ter rupt generated by a re ceived START + valid
address and an in ter rupt generated by a re ceived data byte. User
software must be used to distinguish between these interrupts.
C interface. This bit can be used to force the in ter face back to
; Enabling I2C In ter rupts for the ADuC836
MOV IEIP2,#01h ; enable I2C interrupt
MOV I2CDAT, A ; I2CI auto-cleared
MOV A, I2CDAT ; I2CI auto-cleared
C peripheral will only generate a core interrupt if the user
C controller will halt. The interface will then have to
C Slave mode, the slave controller waits for
C interrupt enable bit in the IEIP2 SFR
bit sent from the master. If
in the IE SFR, i.e.,
bit, the I2CI
bit will appear

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