cy8c5588pvi-115es0 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation., cy8c5588pvi-115es0 Datasheet - Page 52



Manufacturer Part Number
Cy8c55 Family Data Sheet Programmable System-on-chip Psoc?
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
9.5 SWV and TRACEPORT Interfaces
The SWV and TRACEPORT interfaces provide trace data to a
debug host via the Cypress MiniProg3 or an external trace port
analyzer. The 5 pin TRACEPORT is used for rapid transmission
of large trace streams. The single pin SWV mode is used to
minimize the number of trace pins. SWV is shared with a JTAG
pin. If debugging and tracing are done at the same time then
SWD may be used with either SWV or TRACEPORT, or JTAG
may be used with TRACEPORT, as shown in
Table 9-1. Debug Configurations
9.6 Programming Features
The JTAG and SWD interfaces provide full programming
support. The entire device can be erased, programmed, and
verified. Designers can increase flash protection levels to protect
firmware IP. Flash protection can only be reset after a full device
erase. Individual flash blocks can be erased, programmed, and
verified, if block security settings permit.
9.7 Device Security
PSoC 5 offers an advanced security feature called device
security, which permanently disables all test, programming, and
debug ports, protecting your application from external access.
The device security is activated by programming a 32-bit key
(0x50536F43) to a Write Once Latch (WOL).
The Write Once Latch is a type of nonvolatile latch (NVL). The
cell itself is an NVL with additional logic wrapped around it. Each
WOL device contains four bytes (32 bits) of data. The wrapper
outputs a ‘1’ if a super-majority (28 of 32) of its bits match a
pre-determined pattern (0x50536F43); it outputs a ‘0’ if this
majority is not reached. When the output is 1, the Write Once NV
latch locks the part out of Debug and Test modes; it also
permanently gates off the ability to erase or alter the contents of
the latch. Matching all bits is intentionally not required, so that
single (or few) bit failures do not deassert the WOL output. The
state of the NVL bits after wafer processing is truly random with
no tendency toward 1 or 0.
The WOL only locks the part after the correct 32-bit key
(0x50536F43) is loaded into the NVL's volatile memory,
programmed into the NVL's nonvolatile cells, and the part is
reset. The output of the WOL is only sampled on reset and used
to disable the access. This precaution prevents anyone from
reading, erasing, or altering the contents of the internal memory.
Document Number: 001-44094 Rev. *J
All debug and trace disabled
Debug and Trace Configuration
GPIO Pins Used
9 or 10
4 or 5
The user can write the key into the WOL to lock out external
access only if no flash protection is set (see
section on page 15). However, after setting the values in the
WOL, a user still has access to the part until it is reset. Therefore,
a user can write the key into the WOL, program the flash
protection data, and then reset the part to lock it.
If the device is protected with a WOL setting, Cypress cannot
perform failure analysis and, therefore, cannot accept RMAs
from customers. The WOL can be read out via Serial Wire Debug
(SWD) port to electrically identify protected parts. The user can
write the key in WOL to lock out external access only if no flash
protection is set. For more information on how to take full
advantage of the security features in PSoC see the PSoC 5
Note the following details of the flash code protection features on
Cypress devices.
Cypress products meet the specifications contained in their
particular Cypress datasheets. Cypress believes that its family of
products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the
market today, regardless of how they are used. There may be
methods, unknown to Cypress, that can breach the code
protection features. Any of these methods, to our knowledge,
would be dishonest and possibly illegal. Neither Cypress nor any
other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of
their code. Code protection does not mean that we are
guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”
Cypress is willing to work with the customer who is concerned
about the integrity of their code. Code protection is constantly
evolving. We at Cypress are committed to continuously
improving the code protection features of our products.
10. Development Support
The CY8C55 family has a rich set of documentation,
development tools, and online resources to assist you during
your development process. Visit
10.1 Documentation
A suite of documentation, to ensure that you can find answers to
your questions quickly, supports the CY8C55 family. This section
contains a list of some of the key documents.
Software User Guide: A step-by-step guide for using PSoC
Creator. The software user guide shows you how the PSoC
Creator build process works in detail, how to use source control
with PSoC Creator, and much more.
Component Datasheets: The flexibility of PSoC allows the
creation of new peripherals (components) long after the device
has gone into production. Component datasheets provide all of
the information needed to select and use a particular component,
including a functional description, API documentation, example
code, and AC/DC specifications.
Application Notes: PSoC application notes discuss a particular
application of PSoC in depth; examples include brushless DC
motor control and on-chip filtering. Application notes often
include example projects in addition to the application note
5: CY8C55 Family Datasheet
to find out more.
“Flash Security”
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