cy8c5588pvi-115es0 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation., cy8c5588pvi-115es0 Datasheet - Page 15



Manufacturer Part Number
Cy8c55 Family Data Sheet Programmable System-on-chip Psoc?
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
5. Memory
5.1 Static RAM
CY8C55 static RAM (SRAM) is used for temporary data storage.
Code can be executed at full speed from the portion of SRAM
that is located in the code space. This process is slower from
SRAM above 0x20000000. The device provides up to 64 KB of
SRAM. The CPU or the DMA controller can access all of SRAM.
The SRAM can be accessed simultaneously by the Cortex-M3
CPU and the DMA controller if accessing different 32-KB blocks.
5.2 Flash Program Memory
Flash memory in PSoC devices provides nonvolatile storage for
user firmware, user configuration data, bulk data storage, and
optional ECC data. The main flash memory area contains up to
256 KB of user program space.
Up to an additional 32 KB of flash space is available for Error
Correcting Codes (ECC). If ECC is not used this space can store
device configuration data and bulk user data. User code may not
be run out of the ECC flash memory section. ECC can correct
one bit error and detect two bit errors per 8 bytes of firmware
memory; an interrupt can be generated when an error is
detected. The flash output is 9 bytes wide with 8 bytes of data
and 1 byte of ECC data.
The CPU or DMA controller read both user code and bulk data
located in flash through the cache controller. This provides
higher CPU performance. If ECC is enabled, the cache controller
also performs error checking and correction. Flash programming
is performed through a special interface and preempts code
execution out of flash. Code execution out of cache may
continue during flash programming as long as that code is
contained inside the cache.
The flash programming interface performs flash erasing,
programming and setting code protection levels. Flash In
System Serial Programming (ISSP), typically used for production
programming, is possible through both the SWD and JTAG
interfaces. In-system programming, typically used for
bootloaders, is also possible using serial interfaces such as I
USB, UART, and SPI, or any communications protocol.
5.3 Flash Security
All PSoC devices include a flexible flash protection model that
prevents access and visibility to on-chip flash memory. This
prevents duplication or reverse engineering of proprietary code.
Flash memory is organized in blocks, where each block contains
256 bytes of program or data and 32 bytes of ECC or
configuration data.
The device offers the ability to assign one of four protection
levels to each row of flash.
available. Flash protection levels can only be changed by
performing a complete flash erase. The Full Protection and Field
Upgrade settings disable external access (through a debugging
tool such as PSoC Creator, for example). If your application
requires code update through a boot loader, then use the Field
Upgrade setting. Use the Unprotected setting only when no
security is needed in your application. The PSoC device also
offers an advanced security feature called Device Security which
permanently disables all test, programming, and debug ports,
protecting your application from external access (see the
Document Number: 001-44094 Rev. *J
Table 5-1
lists the protection modes
“Device Security”
how to take full advantage of the security features in PSoC, see
the PSoC 5 TRM.
Table 5-1. Flash Protection
Note the following details of the flash code protection features on
Cypress devices.
Cypress products meet the specifications contained in their
particular Cypress datasheets. Cypress believes that its family of
products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the
market today, regardless of how they are used. There may be
methods, unknown to Cypress, that can breach the code
protection features. Any of these methods, to our knowledge,
would be dishonest and possibly illegal. Neither Cypress nor any
other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of
their code. Code protection does not mean that we are
guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”
Cypress is willing to work with the customer who is concerned
about the integrity of their code. Code protection is constantly
evolving. We at Cypress are committed to continuously
improving the code protection features of our products.
PSoC EEPROM memory is a byte addressable nonvolatile
memory. The CY8C55 has 2 KB of EEPROM memory to store
user data. Reads from EEPROM are random access at the byte
level. Reads are done directly; writes are done by sending write
commands to an EEPROM programming interface. CPU code
execution can continue from flash during EEPROM writes.
EEPROM is erasable and writeable at the row level. The
EEPROM is divided into two sections, each containing 64 rows
of 16 bytes each.
The CPU can not execute out of EEPROM. There is no ECC
hardware associated with EEPROM. If ECC is required it must
be handled in firmware.
5.5 External Memory Interface
CY8C55 provides an external memory interface (EMIF) for
connecting to external memory devices. The connection allows
read and write accesses to external memories. The EMIF
operates in conjunction with UDBs, I/O ports, and other
hardware to generate external memory address and control
signals. At 33 MHz, each memory access cycle takes four bus
clock cycles.
Field Upgrade Internal read and write
Full Protection Internal read
5: CY8C55 Family Datasheet
External read and write
+ internal read and write
External write + internal
read and write
section on page 52). For more information on
External read
External read and
External read and
write + internal write
Not Allowed
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