AT32UC3C2512C Automotive Atmel Corporation, AT32UC3C2512C Automotive Datasheet - Page 611


AT32UC3C2512C Automotive

Manufacturer Part Number
AT32UC3C2512C Automotive
Atmel Corporation
LIN Errors
Bit Error
Inconsistent Synch Field Error
Identifier Parity Error
Checksum Error
Slave Not Responding Error
Synch Tolerance Error
Header Time-out Error
This error is generated when USART is transmitting and if the transmitted value on the Tx line is
different from the value sampled on the Rx line. If a bit error is detected, the transmission is
aborted at the next byte border.
This error is reported by LINBE in the Channel Status Register (CSR).
This error is generated if the Synch Field character received is other than 0x55.
This error is reported by CSR.LINISFE
This error is generated if the parity of the identifier is wrong. This error can be generated only if
the parity feature is enabled (PARDIS = 0).
This error is reported by CSR.LINIPE
This error is generated if the received checksum is wrong. Error bit is set to 1 only if the check-
sum feature is enabled (CHKDIS = 0).
This error is reported by CSR.LINCE
This error is generated when the USART expects a response from another node (NACT = SUB-
SCRIBE) but no valid message appears on the bus within the time frame given by the maximum
length of the message frame, TFrame_Maximum (see
if the USART does not expect any message (NACT = PUBLISH or NACT = IGNORE).
This error is reported by CSR.LINSNRE
This error is generated if after the clock synchronization procedure it appears that the computed
baudrate deviation compared to the initial baudrate is superior to the maximum tolerance
FToI_Unsynch (+/- 15%).
This error is reported by CSR.LINSTE
This error is generated if the Header is not entirely received within the time given by the maxi-
mum length of the Header, THeader_Maximum.
This error is reported by CSR.LINHTE
Section This error is disabled

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