W90220F Winbond Electronics Corp America, W90220F Datasheet - Page 40



Manufacturer Part Number
Pa-risc Embedded Controller
Winbond Electronics Corp America
The above information is the exclusive intellectual property of Winbond Electroncs Corp. and shall not be dsiclosed or distributed or reproduced without permission from
Bit 7-8 DMA IO device type(IOtype)
Bit 9-10 DMA transfer type(TRtype)
Bit 11-15
Bit 16-20
In MOD0:
Bit23-31 Ready timeout counter(Tout)
DMA transfer fix mode(FIX)
This bit should be set to 0.
00 = 8-bit type, length counter(LENC) counts by byte
01 = 16-bit type, length counter counts by half word
10 = 32-bit type, length counter countes by word
11 = undefined
00 = memory to memory transfer
01 = memory to IO transfer
1x = IO to memory transfer
DMA IO read/write command recovery time(IOrec)
DMA IO read/write command wait state(Wstate)
This field define the IO read/write command wait state.
1 = Set DMA transfer as rotate mode. In rotate mode, the DMA controller acknowledge channel 1
0 = DMA is set in fix mode. Channel 0 is the most privilege. The channel 1 will not get the service
request right after channel 0 being served. The channel 1 and channel 0 are served by turns.
token, unless channel 0 release the request.
Set IO device assert NOT ready timeout cycle count. When IO read/write command is issued, and if
the IO device inserts wait state by asserting IORDY, the ready timeout counter starts to count. If the
counter reach the Tout before read/write command is completed, the timeout flag TO0 or TO1 is to
be set.
This bit is valid only in the transfer between memory and IO.
Only 8-bit external IO device is supported.
This field define the recovery cycle between two read/write command.
Version 0.84

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