ADE7566ASTZF8-RL2 AD [Analog Devices], ADE7566ASTZF8-RL2 Datasheet - Page 51



Manufacturer Part Number
Single-Phase Energy Measurement IC with 8052 MCU, RTC, and LCD Driver
AD [Analog Devices]
Preliminary Technical Data
Because LPF2 does not have an ideal brick wall, frequency
response (see Figure 51), the active power signal has some
ripple due to the instantaneous power signal. This ripple is
sinusoidal and has a frequency equal to twice the line frequency.
Because of its sinusoidal nature, the ripple is removed when the
active power signal is integrated to calculate energy (see the
Active Energy Calculation section).
Active Power Gain Calibration
Figure 52 shows the signal processing chain for the active power
calculation in the ADE7566/ADE7569. As explained previously,
the active power is calculated by filtering the output of the
multiplier with a low-pass filter. Note that when reading the
waveform samples from the output of LPF2, the gain of the active
energy can be adjusted by using the multiplier and watt gain
register (WGAIN[11:0]). The gain is adjusted by writing a twos
complement 12-bit word to the watt gain register. Equation 12
shows how the gain adjustment is related to the contents of the
watt gain register.
For example, when 0x7FF is written to the watt gain register, the
power output is scaled up by 50% (0x7FF = 2047d, 2047/2
Similarly, 0x800 = −2048d (signed, twos complement) and
power output is scaled by –50%. Each LSB scales the power
output by 0.0244%. The minimum output range is given when
the watt gain register contents are equal to 0x800 and the
maximum range is given by writing 0x7FF to the watt gain
register. This can be used to calibrate the active power (or
energy) calculation in the ADE7566/ADE7569.
Active Power Offset Calibration
The ADE7566/ADE7569 also incorporate an active power offset
register (WATTOS[15:0]). It is a signed, twos complement, 16-bit
register that can be used to remove offsets in the active power
calculation (see Figure 50). An offset can exist in the power
calculation due to crosstalk between channels on the PCB or in
the IC itself. The offset calibration allows the contents of the
Figure 51. Frequency Response of LPF2
⎜ ⎜
⎟ ⎟
= 0.5).
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active power register to be maintained at 0 when no power is
being consumed.
The 256 LSBs (WATTOS = 0x0100) written to the active power
offset register are equivalent to 1 LSB in the waveform sample
register. Assuming the average value, output from LPF2 is
0xCCCCD (838,861d) when inputs on the voltage and current
channels are both at full scale. At −60 dB down on the current
channel (1/1000 of the current channel full-scale input), the
average word value output from LPF2 is 838.861 (838,861/1,000).
One LSB in the LPF2 output has a measurement error of
1/838.861 × 100% = 0.119% of the average value. The active
power offset register has a resolution equal to 1/256 LSB of the
waveform register. Therefore, the power offset correction
resolution is 0.000464%/LSB (0.119%/256) at −60 dB.
Active Power Sign Detection
The ADE7566/ADE7569 detect a change of sign in the active
power. The APSIGN flag in the Interrupt Status Register 1 SFR
(MIRQSTL, 0xDC) records when a change of sign has occurred
according to Bit APSIGN in the ACCMODE Register (0x0F).
If APSIGN flag is set in the Interrupt Enable Register 1 SFR
(MIRQENL, 0xD9), the 8052 core has a pending ADE interrupt.
The ADE interrupt stays active until the APSIGN status bit is
cleared (see the Energy Measurement Interrupts section).
When APSIGN in the ACCMODE Register (0x0F) is cleared
(default), the APSIGN flag in the Interrupt Status Register 1
SFR (MIRQSTL, 0xDC) is set when a transition from positive–
to-negative active power has occurred.
When APSIGN in the ACCMODE Register (0x0F) is set, the
APSIGN flag in the Interrupt Status Register 1 SFR (MIRQSTL,
0xDC) is set when a transition from negative-to-positive active
power has occurred.
Active Power No-Load Detection
The ADE7566/ADE7569 include a no-load threshold feature on
the active energy that eliminates any creep effects in the meter.
The part accomplishes this by not accumulating energy if the
multiplier output is below the no-load threshold. When the active
power is below the no-load threshold, the APNOLOAD flag in
the Interrupt Status Register 1 SFR (MIRQSTL, 0xDC) is set. If
the APNOLOAD bit is set in the Interrupt Enable Register 1 SFR
(MIRQENL, 0xD9), the 8052 core has a pending ADE interrupt.
The ADE interrupt stays active until the APNOLOAD status bit
is cleared (see the Energy Measurement Interrupts section).
The no-load threshold level is selectable by setting the
APNOLOAD bits in the NLMODE Register (0x0E). Setting
these bits to 0b00 disable the no-load detection and setting
them to 0b01, 0b10, or 0b11 set the no-load detection threshold
to 0.015%, 0.0075%, or 0.0037% of the multiplier’s full-scale
output frequency, respectively. The IEC 62053-21 specification
states that the meter must start up with a load equal to or less
than 0.4% I
frequency of the multiplier.
, which translates to .0167% of the full-scale output

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