adsp-21469 Analog Devices, Inc., adsp-21469 Datasheet - Page 2



Manufacturer Part Number
Sharc Processor
Analog Devices, Inc.

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Part Number:
Analog Devices Inc
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Part Number:
Analog Devices Inc
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Part Number:
Analog Devices Inc
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Part Number:
Analog Devices Inc
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20 000
At 450 MHz core instruction rate, the ADSP-21469 performs
5 Mbits on-chip, RAM for simultaneous access by the core
DDR2 DRAM interface (16-bit) operating at maximum fre-
Dual data address generators (DAGs) with modulo and bit-
Zero-overhead looping with single-cycle loop setup, provid-
VISA (variable instruction set) execution support
Single instruction multiple data (SIMD) architecture
Transfers between memory and core at a sustained
FFT accelerator implements radix-2 complex/real input, com-
IIR accelerators perform dedicated IIR filtering with high-per-
FIR accelerators perform dedicated FIR filtering with high-
In the ADSP-21469, the program sequencer can execute code
New opcodes of 16 and 32 bits are supported in addition to
Two 8-bit wide link ports can connect to the link ports of
DMA controller supports:
External port provides glueless connection to 16-bit wide
at 2.7 GFLOPS/900 MMACs
processor and DMA
quency of half the core clock frequency
reverse addressing
ing efficient program sequencing
Two computational processing elements
Concurrent execution
Code compatibility with other SHARC family members at
Parallelism in buses and computational units allows:
7.2 Gbytes/second bandwidth
plex output FFT with no core intervention
formance, fixed- and floating-point processing capabilities
with no core intervention
performance, fixed- and floating-point processing capabil-
ities with no core intervention
directly from external memory bank 0 (SRAM, as well as
DDR2 DRAM). This allows more options to a user in terms
of code and data storage.
the existing 48 bit opcodes. Variable Instruction Set Archi-
tecture (VISA) execution from external DDR2 DRAM
memory is also supported.
other SHARCs or peripherals. Link ports are bidirectional
programmable ports having eight data lines, an acknowl-
edge line and a clock line. Link ports can operate at a
maximum frequency of 166 MHz.
36 DMA channels for transfers between ADSP-21469 inter-
DMA transfers at peripheral clock speed, in parallel with
synchronous DDR2 DRAM using a dedicated DDR2 DRAM
controller, and 8-bit wide asynchronous memory devices
using asynchronous memory interface (AMI)
the assembly level
Single cycle executions (with or without SIMD) of a mul-
tiply operation, an ALU operation, a dual memory read
or write, and an instruction fetch
nal memory and a variety of peripherals
full-speed processor execution
Rev. PrB | Page 2 of 56 | November 2008
Digital audio interface (DAI) includes eight serial ports, four
Digital peripheral interface (DPI) includes, two timers, one
Eight dual data line serial ports— each has a clock, frame
TDM support for telecommunications interfaces including
Up to 16 TDM stream support, each with 128 channels per
Companding selection on a per channel basis in TDM mode
Input data port (IDP), configurable as eight channels of serial
Signal routing unit provides configurable and flexible con-
4 independent asynchronous sample rate converters (ASRC).
2 muxed flag/IRQ lines
1 muxed flag/IRQ /AMI_MS pin
1 muxed flag/Timer expired line /AMI_MS pin
S/PDIF-compatible digital audio receiver/transmitter sup-
Pulse-width modulation provides:
PLL has a wide variety of software and hardware multi-
Thermal diode to monitor die temperature
Available in 19 mm by 19 mm PBGA package (see
Programmable wait state options (for AMI): 2 to 31
Delay-line DMA engine maintains circular buffers in
16-bit data access for synchronous DDR2 DRAM
8-bit data access for asynchronous memory
4 memory select lines allows multiple external memory
precision clock generators, an input data port, an S/PDIF
transceiver, and a signal routing unit
UART, and two SPI ports, and a two-wire interface port
Outputs of PCG’s A and B can be routed through DAI pins
Outputs of PCG's C and D can be driven on to DAI as well as
DPI pins
sync, and two data lines that can be configured as either a
receiver or transmitter pair
128 TDM channel support for newer telephony interfaces
such as H.100/H.110
data or seven channels of serial data and up to a 20-bit
wide parallel data channel
nections between the various peripherals and the DAI/DPI
Each converter has separate serial input and output ports,
a de-emphasis filter providing up to –128 dB SNR perfor-
mance, stereo sample rate converter and supports left-
justified, I2S, TDM, and right-justified modes and 24-, 20-,
18-, and 16-audio data word lengths.
ports EIAJ CP-340 (CP-1201), IEC-958, AES/EBU standards
Left-justified, I
16-, 18-, 20- or 24-bit word widths (transmitter)
16 PWM outputs configured as four groups of four outputs
supports center-aligned or edge-aligned PWM waveforms
plier/divider ratios
Guide on Page
DDR2_CLK cycles
external memory with tap/offset based reads
Preliminary Technical Data
S or right-justified serial data input with

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