EM6517 ETC, EM6517 Datasheet - Page 34



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The ADC is of bipolar type : Positive or negative input signal referred to the virtual ground point Vgnd are
converted. The virtual ground point Vgnd is ideally on (VSS + VBAT)/2 voltage level and must be supplied from
external circuitry.
The positive reference voltage VREF referred to the virtual ground point Vgnd defines the input voltage range
without overflow (full scale conversion : +/- Vref referred to Vgnd)
Data format is the following : MSB ADCData[7] is a sign bit indicating if input signal Vin is higher than virtual
ground (ADCData[7] = “1“) or lower (ADCData[7] = “0“).
For negative input signal the LSB’s are coded in 1’ complement.
For instance :
The input channel to be converted is selected by ChannelSelA and ChannelSelB bits in RegADCCntl register.
The default channel selection is Vref as ADC input.
Setting to “1“ the Vref1/2Sel bit in RegSysCntl 3 selects the internal V
By default, VREF is defined by the external Vref pad (Vref1 input).
The ADC has two working modes (continuous or single mode) selected by the Single bit (Single = “0“ -->
continuous mode ; Single = “1“ --> single mode).
10.1 Continuous mode
The conversion process is activated by setting to “1“ the StartConvert bit. The selected channel is cyclically
(3.2kHz) converted and the result is stored in RegADCDataL and RegADCDataH registers. When
StartConvert bit is set to “0“, the process runs until completion of the current 10 clock cycles and then stops.
After each completion, an interrupt request IRQADC is generated. This interrupt request can be masked
(default) (MaskIRQADC bit). See also the interrupt handling section 13 for further information. One always
needs to read RegADCDataH first , this read updates the RegADCDataL value (shadow register).
10.2 Single mode
Setting to “1“ the StartConvert bit activates 1 conversion of the selected channel. At the end of the conversion,
the StartConvert bit is automatically cleared and IRQADC is generated. Data are available in RegADCDataL
and RegADCDataH registers. One always needs to read RegADCDataH first , this read updates the
RegADCDataL value (shadow register).
© EM Microelectronic-Marin SA, 09/99, Rev. A/277
Vin = +VREF
Vin = +VREF/ 2
Vin = Vgnd
Vin = -VREF/ 2
Vin = -VREF
ADCData[7:0] = “1 1111111“
ADCData[7:0] = “1 0111111“
ADCData[7:0] = “1 0000000“
ADCData[7:0] = “0 1000000“
ADCData[7:0] = “0 0000000“
(Vref2 input) as the reference voltage.

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