72V3640L15PF IDT, 72V3640L15PF Datasheet - Page 21



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Specifications of 72V3640L15PF

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HIGH on BE during Master Reset will select Little-Endian format. This function
is useful when the following input to output bus widths are implemented: x36 to
x18, x36 to x9, x18 to x36 and x9 to x36. If Big-Endian mode is selected, then
the most significant byte (word) of the long word written into the FIFO will be read
out of the FIFO first, followed by the least significant byte. If Little-Endian format
is selected, then the least significant byte of the long word written into the FIFO
will be read out first, followed by the most significant byte. The mode desired is
configured during master reset by the state of the Big-Endian (BE) pin. See
Figure 4 for Bus-Matching Byte Arrangement.
mable flag timing mode. A HIGH on PFM will select Synchronous Programmable
flag timing mode. If asynchronous PAF/PAE configuration is selected (PFM,
LOW during MRS), the PAE is asserted LOW on the LOW-to-HIGH transition
of RCLK. PAE is reset to HIGH on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of WCLK.
Similarly, the PAF is asserted LOW on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of WCLK and
PAF is reset to HIGH on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of RCLK.
MRS) , the PAE is asserted and updated on the rising edge of RCLK only and
not WCLK. Similarly, PAF is asserted and updated on the rising edge of WCLK
only and not RCLK. The mode desired is configured during master reset by the
state of the Programmable Flag Mode (PFM) pin.
A HIGH will select Interspersed Parity mode. The IP bit function allows the user
to select the parity bit in the word loaded into the parallel port (D
programming the flag offsets. If Interspersed Parity mode is selected, then the
FIFO will assume that the parity bits are located in bit position D
Parity mode is selected, then D
and D
Reset by the state of the IP input pin. Interspersed Parity control only has an
effect during parallel programming of the offset registers. It does not effect the data
written to and read from the FIFO.
is selected. When the FIFO is full, FF will go LOW, inhibiting further write
operations. When FF is HIGH, the FIFO is not full. If no reads are performed
after a reset (either MRS or PRS), FF will go LOW after D writes to the FIFO
(D = 1,024 for the IDT72V3640, 2,048 for the IDT72V3650, 4,096 for the
IDT72V3660, 8,192 for the IDT72V3670, 16,384 for the IDT72V3680 and
32,768 for the IDT72V3690. See Figure 7, Write Cycle and Full Flag Timing
(IDT Standard Mode), for the relevant timing information.
when memory space is available for writing in data. When there is no longer
any free space left, IR goes HIGH, inhibiting further write operations. If no reads
are performed after a reset (either MRS or PRS), IR will go HIGH after D writes
to the FIFO (D = 1,025 for the IDT72V3640, 2,049 for the IDT72V3650, 4,097
for the IDT72V3660, 8,193 for the IDT72V3670, 16,385 for the IDT72V3680
and 32,769 for the IDT72V3690. See Figure 9, Write Timing (FWFT Mode),
for the relevant timing information.
IDT72V3640/50/60/70/80/90 3.3V HIGH DENSITY SUPERSYNC II
1,024 x 36, 2,048 x 36, 4,096 x 36, 8,192 x 36, 16,384 x 36 and 32,768 x 36
If synchronous PAE/PAF configuration is selected (PFM, HIGH during
During Master Reset, a LOW on IP will select Non-Interspersed Parity mode.
During Master Reset, a LOW on BE will select Big-Endian operation. A
During Master Reset, a LOW on PFM will select Asynchronous Program-
This is a dual purpose pin. In IDT Standard mode, the Full Flag (FF) function
In FWFT mode, the Input Ready (IR) function is selected. IR goes LOW
during the parallel programming of the flag offsets. If Non-Interspersed
, D
, D
and D
are ignored. IP mode is selected during Master
, D
and D
are is assumed to be valid bits
, D
-Dn) when
, D
counts the presence of a word in the output register. Thus, in FWFT mode, the
total number of writes necessary to deassert IR is one greater than needed to
assert FF in IDT Standard mode.
double register-buffered outputs.
function is selected. When the FIFO is empty, EF will go LOW, inhibiting further
read operations. When EF is HIGH, the FIFO is not empty. See Figure 8, Read
Cycle, Empty Flag and First Word Latency Timing (IDT Standard Mode), for
the relevant timing information.
at the same time that the first word written to an empty FIFO appears valid on
the outputs. OR stays LOW after the RCLK LOW to HIGH transition that shifts
the last word from the FIFO memory to the outputs. OR goes HIGH only with
a true read (RCLK with REN = LOW). The previous data stays at the outputs,
indicating the last word was read. Further data reads are inhibited until OR goes
LOW again. See Figure 10, Read Timing (FWFT Mode), for the relevant timing
mode, OR is a triple register-buffered output.
reaches the almost-full condition. In IDT Standard mode, if no reads are
performed after reset (MRS), PAF will go LOW after (D - m) words are written
to the FIFO. The PAF will go LOW after (1,024-m) writes for the IDT72V3640,
(2,048-m) writes for the IDT72V3650, (4,096-m) writes for the IDT72V3660,
(8,192-m) writes for the IDT72V3670, (16,384-m) writes for the IDT72V3680
and (32,768-m) writes for the IDT72V3690. The offset “m” is the full offset value.
The default setting for this value is stated in the footnote of Table 1.
IDT72V3640, (2,049-m) writes for the IDT72V3650, (4,097-m) writes for the
IDT72V3660 and (8,193-m) writes for the IDT72V3670, (16,385-m) writes for
the IDT72V3680 and (32,769-m) writes for the IDT72V3690, where m is the
full offset value. The default setting for this value is stated in Table 2.
Standard and FWFT Mode), for the relevant timing information.
on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Write Clock (WCLK). PAF is reset to HIGH
on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Read Clock (RCLK). If synchronous PAF
configuration is selected, the PAF is updated on the rising edge of WCLK. See
Figure 20, Asynchronous Almost-Full Flag Timing (IDT Standard and FWFT
reaches the almost-empty condition. In IDT Standard mode, PAE will go LOW
when there are n words or less in the FIFO. The offset “n” is the empty offset
value. The default setting for this value is stated in the footnote of Table 1.
in the FIFO. The default setting for this value is stated in Table 2.
(IDT Standard and FWFT Mode), for the relevant timing information.
In IDT Standard mode, EF is a double register-buffered output. In FWFT
In FWFT mode, the PAF will go LOW after (1,025-m) writes for the
See Figure 18, Synchronous Programmable Almost-Full Flag Timing (IDT
See Figure 19, Synchronous Programmable Almost-Empty Flag Timing
The IR status not only measures the contents of the FIFO memory, but also
FF/IR is synchronous and updated on the rising edge of WCLK. FF/IR are
This is a dual purpose pin. In the IDT Standard mode, the Empty Flag (EF)
In FWFT mode, the Output Ready (OR) function is selected. OR goes LOW
The Programmable Almost-Full flag (PAF) will go LOW when the FIFO
If asynchronous PAF configuration is selected, the PAF is asserted LOW
The Programmable Almost-Empty flag (PAE) will go LOW when the FIFO
In FWFT mode, the PAE will go LOW when there are n+1 words or less
EF/OR is synchronous and updated on the rising edge of RCLK.
OCTOBER 22, 2008

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