SFSL5.5MDB YAMAR [Yamar Electronics Ltd.], SFSL5.5MDB Datasheet - Page 10



Manufacturer Part Number
Smart Slave for DC-BUS Powerline Network
YAMAR [Yamar Electronics Ltd.]
Command type 4: Sleep command.
This type of command consist of 5 bytes: sync break, sync field, “3C” Hex, “00” Hex and checksum.
The sleep command identifier is “3C”Hex as in LIN2.0 specifications and the following data byte
Upon reception of sync break, sync field, “3C”Hex and “00”Hex bytes, a device enters sleep mode
immediately and as a result it’s the following command bytes are ignored.
Command type 5: Change Frequency command.
This type of command consists of 5 bytes - sync break, sync field, “FE” Hex, “00” Hex and checksum.
The change frequency command identifier is “FE” Hex and the following data byte is “00”Hex.
Upon reception of sync break, sync field, “FE” Hex and “00” Hex bytes the frequency changes from F1
to F0, or vise versa. Checksum calculation follows the description above.
The SIG61 device features Sleep mode for power saving. Entering the Sleep mode, as well as waking
up, can be initiated locally, by means of dedicated input pins, or remotely through activity (proper
messages) over the bus.
The SIG61 can enter sleep mode by any of the following ways:
During Sleep mode, the SIG61 8 output pins remain unchanged if the device has entered this mode
due to a Sleep command from the Master or by lowering the Pin nSleep.
However if the device entered the Sleep mode due to the AutoSleep function, SIG61 will lower all the
outputs to "0".
© 2010 Yamar Electronics Ltd.
Preliminary and proprietary Information of YAMAR Electronics Ltd. Subject to change without notice.
1. The device nSleep pin is lowered.
2. Sleep command from a remote master is received.
3. The AutoSleep pin is set HIGH and no reception occurred for about 8 seconds.
Power Management
Sync break
Sync break
Sync break
Entering Sleep mode
Device Outputs during Sleep
Sync Field
Sync Field
Sync Field
Figure 4.6 - Frequency Change command
Figure 4.4 - Read-change command
Figure 4.5 - Sleep command
P1, P0, 1, 0, Address
Zero byte/bytes
Zero byte/bytes
Data (8 input bits)
DS-SIG61 R0.932

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