zl50073 Zarlink Semiconductor, zl50073 Datasheet - Page 17



Manufacturer Part Number
32 K Channel Digital Switch With High Jitter Tolerance, Rate Conversion Per Group Of 4 Streams 8, 16, 32 Or 64 Mbps
Zarlink Semiconductor

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For example:
An example of ZL50073 mixed rate provisioning is given in Figure 3. In this example, the output streams follow the
same data rate as the input streams. The example shows that it is possible to have different groups operating at
different data rates. The first eight groups are operating in 65.536 Mbps mode (8192 channels - 8 streams), the next
eight groups are operating in 32.768 Mbps (8192 channels - 16 streams with 2 streams in each group) and the
remaining sixteen groups are operating in 16.384 Mbps (16384 channels - 64 streams with 4 streams per group).
This results in the full capacity usage of the ZL50073.
Note: Although this example shows the same rate provisioned for corresponding STi and STo streams, programming of input and
The ZL50073 supports rate conversion from any input stream rate to any output stream rate.
An example of ZL50073 rate conversion is given in Figure 4. Here the total capacity of both the input and the output
is 32,768 channels. The output stream rates do not have to follow the input stream rates. In this example, on the
input side of the switch you have 24 streams operating at 65.536 Mbps (24,576 channels - 24 groups with 1 stream
in each group), 8 streams operating at 32.768 Mbps (4096 channels - 4 groups with 2 streams in each group) and
16 streams operating at 16.384 Mbps (4096 channels - 4 groups with 4 streams in each group) with no streams
operating at 8.192 Mbps. This results in a maximum input capacity of 32,768 input channels. As the output streams
do not have to follow the input streams, they can be configured so that 15 streams operate at 65.536 Mbps (15,360
channels - 15 groups with 1 stream in each group), 28 streams operate at 32.768 Mbps (14,336 channels - 14
groups with 2 streams in each group), 12 streams operate at 16.384 Mbps (3076 channels - 3 groups with 4
streams in each group) and no streams at 8.192 Mbps. This results in a maximum output capacity of 32,768 output
channels. The reason that no stream is operating at 8.192 Mbps is that as soon as one group is set to this data rate,
the capacity of the device will be less than the full 32,768 channels.
if input stream group #1 is programmed for 65 Mbps: STiA1 is active; STiB1, STiC1, STiD1 are not active
if output stream group #15 is programmed for 32 Mbps: SToA15 and SToB15 are active; SToC15 and
SToD15 are not active
if input stream group #24 is programmed for 16 Mbps or 8 Mbps, STiA24, STiB24, STiC24, STiD24 are all
outputs is independent and different settings are possible.
Rate Conversion
Figure 3 - ZL50073 32 K x 32 K Channel and Stream Provisioning Example at Multiple Rates
16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
8 - 15 at 32 Mbps
Input and Output Groups 0 - 7 at 65 Mbps
Input and Output Groups 8 - 15 at 32 Mbps
Input and Output Groups 16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
0 - 7 at 65 Mbps
Input Groups
Input Groups
Input Groups
STiA16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
STiB16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
STiC16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
STiD16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
STiA8 - 15 at 32 Mbps
STiB8 - 15 at 32 Mbps
STiA0 - 7 at 65 Mbps
STiC0 - 7 Not Active
STiC8 - 15 Not Active
STiB0 - 7 Not Active
STiD0 - 7 Not Active
STiD8 - 15 Not Active
Zarlink Semiconductor Inc.
32 K x 32 K
SToA16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
SToB16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
SToC16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
SToD16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
SToA8 - 15 at 32 Mbps
SToB8 - 15 at 32 Mbps
SToA0 - 7 at 65 Mbps
SToC0 - 7 Not Active
SToC8 - 15 Not Active
SToB0 - 7 Not Active
SToD0 - 7 Not Active
SToD8 - 15 Not Active
8 - 15 at 32 Mbps
16 - 31 at 16 Mbps
0 - 7 at 65 Mbps
Output Groups
Output Groups
Output Groups
Data Sheet

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