AD668SQ883B Analog Devices, AD668SQ883B Datasheet - Page 8



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The AD668 is an ultrahigh speed, 12-bit, multiplying digital-to-analog converter, providing outstanding accuracy and ...
Analog Devices
put pin. If a 200 Ω ± 20% DAC output impedance is desired, R
should be shorted to I
output impedance of 100 Ω ± 1%. As noted above, in voltage
output configurations, a large portion of the DAC output cur-
rent will flow through this pin.
ACOM - as indicated in Figure 4, the current flowing out of
this pin is effectively the complement of I
analog and digital inputs. Using this current as a signal output is
not generally advised, since it is untrimmed and its positive out-
put compliance is limited to the logic low voltage.
LCOM - the current in this node has been carefully configured
to be independent of digital code when the output is into a vir-
tual ground, thereby minimizing any detrimental effects of lad-
der ground resistance on linearity. However, the current in this
node is proportional to the analog input voltage and the ground
drop here is responsible for the dc analog feedthrough. The
nominal value of this current is approximately equal to the DAC
full scale.
IBPO - the bipolar offset current flows into this node, with volt-
age compliance to V
source, and should be grounded if the offset current is not used.
–16.5 V. The current in this node consists of 1.2 times the bipo-
lar offset current plus 500 µA of bias current for the reference
amplifier’s front end. The negative supply current is indepen-
dent of digital input but is linearly dependent on analog input.
THCOM - is the ground point for the bandgap diode that gen-
erates the threshold voltage. The current coming out of this
node is the same as that flowing into V
number of base currents (see Figure 6). It is possible to intro-
duce an offset between THCOM and the system common,
thereby offsetting the effective logic threshold and positive out-
put compliance voltage.
rent, this voltage will be 1.4 V above THCOM. The necessary
bias current can readily be provided by a suitable resistor to any
positive supply. As Figure 6 suggests, this node is directly
coupled to the DAC output through several base to collector
capacitances and hence, should be carefully decoupled to the
analog ground.
DIGITAL INPUTS - when a bit is in the high state, the input
current is the leakage current of a reverse biased diode. When
the bit is driven low, it must sink a base current to ground, and
this base current will be proportional to the analog input. Note
that the input current for Bit 2 will be twice that for Bits 3-12,
and Bit 1’s current will be 4 times Bit 3’s, but all the currents
will be below the value specified.
The following are some typical circuit configurations for the
AD668. As Table II indicates, these represent only a sample of
the possible implementations.
Figure 7 shows a typical topology for generating an unbuffered
voltage output. R
– a 200 Ω resistor with one end internally wired to the out-
- this voltage may be set anywhere from –10.8 V to
- as indicated earlier, if given sufficient positive bias cur-
(Pin 19) is grounded, producing a 100 Ω
+ 3V. This is a high impedance current
. Grounding R
plus a code dependent
will provide a DAC
, varying with both
DAC output resistance that generates a 1.024 V output when
the DAC current is at its full scale of 10.24 mA. The presence
of low impedance loads will effect the output voltage swing di-
rectly: an external load of 300 Ω will yield a total output resis-
tance of 75 Ω, and a full scale output of 0.768 V. An external
100 Ω will reduce the total output resistance to 50 Ω and the
full-scale voltage swing will drop to 0.512 V. Since the bipolar
offset current is not used in this configuration, Pin 16 is con-
nected to the analog ground plane.
The input divider has been connected to produce a 5 V full
scale reference input by shorting REFIN1 to the analog ground
plane and using REFIN2 as the reference input. With a 5 V
nominal full scale, the 10% to 120% reference input range falls
between 0.5 V and 6 V. The effective input resistance in this
mode is 5 kΩ (± 20%). The ratio of the input divider has been
intentionally skewed by 50 Ω to provide an optional external
fine trim for gain adjust. A trim range of ± 1% is provided by the
100 Ω trimming potentiometer shown in Figure 7. If trimming
is not desired, a 50 Ω resistor may be used in place of the poten-
tiometer to produce the specified gain accuracy, or, if a +1%
nominal gain error is tolerable, the resistor may be omitted
Figure 8 demonstrates another unbuffered voltage output topol-
ogy, this time implementing a bipolar output and a 1.25 V refer-
ence input. The bipolar output is accomplished simply by tying
Pin 16 to the output (Pin 20). Note that in this mode, when the
digital inputs are all zeros and the analog input is at 1.25 V,
–512 mV will be produced at the DAC output. Bipolar zero
(0 V
bits OFF (100 . . . 00), and the full-scale voltage minus 1 LSB
(511.75 mV) will be generated when all bits are ON.
The input range of 1.25 V is generated by grounding REFIN2
(through an optional gain trim potentiometer or gain adjust
50 Ω resistor) and using REFIN1 as the reference input. The
input resistance in this mode is also 5k.
Figure 7. 5 V REFIN/1 V Unbuffered Unipolar Output
) will be produced when the MSB is ON with all other

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