EX256-FCS100 ETC1 [List of Unclassifed Manufacturers], EX256-FCS100 Datasheet - Page 32



Manufacturer Part Number
eX Family FPGAs
ETC1 [List of Unclassifed Manufacturers]
e X F a m il y F P GA s
D at a S he et Ca t e g o r i e s
In order to provide the latest information to designers, some data sheets are published before data has been fully
characterized. Product Briefs are modified versions of data sheets. Data sheets are marked as “Advanced,” “Preliminary,” and
“Web-only.” The definition of these categories are as follows:
P rod uct B ri ef
The product brief is a modified version of an Advanced data sheet containing general product information. This brief
summarizes specific device and family information for non-release products.
Adv anc ed
The data sheet contains initial estimated information based on simulation, other products, devices, or speed grades. This
information can be used as estimates, but not for production.
P rel im i nar y
The data sheet contains information based on simulation and/or initial characterization. The information is believed to be
correct, but changes are possible.
Unm ar ked (pr odu ct ion)
The data sheet contains information that is considered to be final.
W eb- only V er si ons
Web-only versions have three numbers in the version number (example: v2.0.1). A web-only version means Actel is posting
the data sheet so customers have the latest information, but we are not printing the version because some information is
going to change shortly after posting.

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