AM79C100 Advanced Micro Devices, AM79C100 Datasheet - Page 8



Manufacturer Part Number
Twisted-Pair Ethernet Transceiver Plus (TPEX Plus)
Advanced Micro Devices

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polarity detection function is activated following reset or
Link Fail, and will reverse the receive polarity based on
both the polarity of any previous link beat pulses and
the polarity of subsequent packets with a valid end
transmit delimiter (ETD).
When in the Link Fail state, TPEX Plus will recognize
link beat pulses of either positive or negative polarity.
Exit from the Link Fail state is caused by the reception
of 5 to 6 consecutive link beat pulses of identical polar-
ity. On entry to the Link Pass state, the polarity of the
last 5 link beat pulses is used to determine the initial re-
ceive polarity configuration and the receiver is reconfig-
ured to subsequently recognize only link beat pulses of
the previously recognized polarity. This link pulse algo-
rithm is employed only until SFD polarity determination
is made, as described later in this section.
Positive link beat pulses are defined as received signal
with a positive amplitude greater than 520 mV (LRT =
HIGH) with a pulse width of 60 ns to 200 ns. This posi-
tive excursion may be followed by a negative excursion.
This definition is consistent with the expected received
signal at a correctly wired receiver, when a link beat
pulse that fits the template of Figure 14-12 in the
10BASE-T standard is generated at a transmitter and
passed through 100 m of twisted-pair cable.
Negative link beat pulses are defined as received sig-
nals with a negative amplitude greater than 520 mV
(LRT = HIGH) with a pulse width of 60 ns to 200 ns.
This negative excursion may be followed by a positive
excursion. This definition is consistent with the ex-
pected received signal at a reverse-wired receiver,
when a link beat pulse that fits the template of Figure
14-12 in the 10BASE-T standard is generated at a
transmitter and passed through 100 m of twisted-pair
The polarity detection/correction algorithm will remain
“armed” until two consecutive packets with valid ETD of
identical polarity are detected. When “armed,” the re-
ceiver is capable of changing the initial or previous po-
larity configuration based on the most recent ETD
On receipt of the first packet with valid ETD following
reset or Link Fail, TPEX Plus will utilize the inferred po-
larity information to configure its RXD input, regard-
less of its previous state. On receipt of a second packet
with a valid ETD with correct polarity, the detection/cor-
rection algorithm will “lock in” the received polarity. If
the second (or subsequent) packet is not detected as
confirming the previous polarity decision, the most re-
cently detected ETD polarity will be used as the default.
Note that packets with invalid ETD have no effect on
updating the previous polarity decision. Once two con-
secutive packets with valid ETD have been received,
TPEX Plus will disable the detection/correction
algorithm until either a Link Fail condition occurs or
PRDN/RST is asserted.
During polarity reversal, the RXPOL pin is internally
pulled HIGH. During normal polarity conditions, the
RXPOL pin is driven LOW, and is capable of directly
driving a “Polarity OK” LED using an integrated 12 mA
driver. If desired, the Polarity Reversal function can be
disabled by grounding the RXPOL pin.
Twisted-Pair Interface Status
Three outputs (XMT, RCV, and COL) indicate whether
the TPEX Plus is transmitting (AUI to twisted-pair), re-
ceiving (twisted-pair to AUI), or in a collision state with
both functions active simultaneously.
The TPEX Plus will power up in the Link Fail state. The
normal algorithm will apply to allow it to enter the Link
Pass state. On power up, the XMT, RCV, and COL LED
drivers activate for 20 ms to 62 ms as a lamp test fea-
ture, and will then go to their inactive state until TPEX
Plus enters the Link Pass state.
In the Link Pass state, transmit or receive activity that
passes the pulse-width/amplitude requirements of the
DO or RXD inputs will be indicated by the XMT or
RCV pin, respectively, going active. XMT, RCV, and
COL are all asserted during a collision.
In the Link Fail state, XMT, RCV, and COL are disabled.
In Jabber Detect mode, TPEX Plus will activate the
COL driver, disable the XMT driver (regardless of DO
activity), and allow the RCV driver to indicate the cur-
rent state of the RXD pair. If there is no receive activity
on RXD , only COL will be active during Jabber Detect.
If there is RXD activity, both COL and RCV will be
All three outputs are active LOW and incorporate 12
mA drive capability with 20 ms to 62 ms pulse stretch
circuitry, to extend the event to ensure LED visibility.
Collision Detect Function
Simultaneous Carrier Sense (presence of valid data
signals) by both the AUI DO pins and the twisted-pair
RXD pins constitutes a collision, thereby causing a
10 MHz signal to be asserted on the CI output pair,
and the COL output to be activated. The CI output
meets the drive requirements for the AUI interface. This
10 MHz signal will remain on the CI pair until one of
the two colliding states changes from active to idle.
During the collision condition, data presented on the
DI pair will be sourced from the RXD input. At the
end of collision, the data presented on the DI pair will
be sourced from the last remaining active input, either
RXD or DO . The CI output pair stays HIGH for 2 bit
times at the end of a collision, decreasing to the idle
level within 80 bit times after the last transition. The
XMT, RCV, and COL pins are driven LOW during

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