HPCL7800 HP [Agilent(Hewlett-Packard)], HPCL7800 Datasheet - Page 8



Manufacturer Part Number
High CMR Isolation Amplifiers
HP [Agilent(Hewlett-Packard)]
General Note: Typical values represent the
mean value of all characterization units at
the nominal operating conditions. Typical
drift specifications are determined by
calculating the rate of change of the speci-
fied parameter versus the drift parameter
(at nominal operating conditions) for each
characterization unit, and then averaging
the individual unit rates. The correspond-
ing drift figures are normalized to the
nominal operating conditions and show
how much drift occurs as the particular
drift parameter is varied from its nominal
value, with all other parameters held at
their nominal operating values. Figures
show the mean drift of all characterization
units as a group, as well as the
statistical limits. Note that the typical drift
specifications in the tables below may
differ from the slopes of the mean curves
shown in the corresponding figures.
1. HP recommends the use of non-
2. The HCPL-7800 will operate properly
3. DC performance can be best
4. HP recommends operation with V
5. Although, statistically, the average
6. Data sheet value is the average change
7. Data sheet value is the average
chlorine activated fluxes.
at ambient temperatures up to 100 C
but may not meet published specifi-
cations under these conditions.
maintained by keeping V
as close as possible to 5 V. See
application section for circuit
to 100 mV will improve DC
nonlinearity and nonlinearity drift. If
respect to GND1, an internal test
mode may be activated. This test mode
is not intended for customer use.
difference in the output resistance of
pins 6 and 7 is near zero, the standard
deviation of the difference is 1.3
due to normal process variations.
Consequently, keeping the output
current below 1 mA will ensure the
best offset performance.
in offset voltage versus temperature at
held constant. This value is expressed
as the change in offset voltage per C
change in temperature.
magnitude of the change in offset
voltage versus temperature at
held constant. This value is expressed
= 0 V (tied to GND1). Limiting V
= 25 C, with all other parameters
= 25 C, with all other parameters
is brought above 800 mV with
and V
10. Gain is defined as the slope of the
11. Data sheet value is the average change
12. Data sheet value is the average
13. Data sheet value is the average change
14. Data sheet value is the average change
15. Nonlinearity is defined as the maxi-
8. Data sheet value is the average change
9. Data sheet value is the average change
as the change in magnitude per C
change in temperature.
in offset voltage versus input supply
voltage at V
parameters held constant. This value
is expressed as the change in offset
voltage per volt change of the input
supply voltage.
in offset voltage versus output supply
voltage at V
parameters held constant. This value
is expressed as the change in offset
voltage per volt change of the output
supply voltage.
best-fit line of differential output
voltage (V
differential input voltage (V
over the specified input range.
in gain versus temperature at
held constant. This value is expressed
as the percentage change in gain per
magnitude of the change in gain
versus temperature at T
all other parameters held constant.
This value is expressed as the
percentage change in magnitude per
in gain versus input supply voltage at
held constant. This value is expressed
as the percentage change in gain per
volt change of the input supply
in gain versus output supply voltage at
held constant. This value is expressed
as the percentage change in gain per
volt change of the output supply
mum deviation of the output voltage
from the best-fit gain line (see Note
10), expressed as a percentage of the
full-scale differential output voltage
range. For example, an input range of
ential output range of 3.2 V ( 1.6 V);
a maximum output deviation of 6.4
mV would therefore correspond to a
nonlinearity of 0.2%.
C change in temperature.
C change in temperature.
200 mV generates a full-scale differ-
= 25 C, with all other parameters
= 5 V, with all other parameters
= 5 V, with all other parameters
- V
= 5 V, with all other
= 5 V, with all other
) versus
= 25 C, with
16. Data sheet value is the average change
17. Data sheet value is the average change
18. Data sheet value is the average change
19. NL
20. Because of the switched-capacitor
21. This parameter is defined as the ratio
22. When the differential input signal
23. The maximum specified input supply
24. The maximum specified output supply
in nonlinearity versus temperature at
held constant. This value is expressed
as the number of percentage points
that the nonlinearity will change per
example, if the temperature is
increased from 25 C to 35 C, the
nonlinearity typically will decrease by
0.01 percentage points (10 C times
-0.001 % pts/ C) from 0.2% to 0.19%.
in nonlinearity versus input supply
voltage at V
parameters held constant. This value
is expressed as the number of
percentage points that the nonlinearity
will change per volt change of the
input supply voltage.
in nonlinearity versus output supply
voltage at V
parameters held constant. This value
is expressed as the number of
percentage points that the nonlinearity
will change per volt change of the
output supply voltage.
an input voltage range of
nature of the input sigma-delta
converter, time-averaged values are
of the differential signal gain (signal
applied differentially between pins 2
and 3) to the common-mode gain
(input pins tied together and the signal
applied to both inputs at the same
time), expressed in dB.
exceeds approximately 300 mV, the
outputs will limit at the typical values
current occurs when the differential
input voltage (V
input supply current decreases
approximately 1.3 mA per 1 V
decrease in V
current occurs when the differential
input voltage (V
the maximum recommended operating
input voltage. However, the output
supply current will continue to rise for
differential input voltages up to
approximately 300 mV, beyond which
the output supply current remains
C change in temperature. For
= 25 C, with all other parameters
is the nonlinearity specified over
= 5 V, with all other
= 5 V, with all other
- V
- V
) = 200 mV,
) = 0 V. The
100 mV.

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