WTS701EF WINBOND [Winbond], WTS701EF Datasheet - Page 55



Manufacturer Part Number
WINBOND [Winbond]
The speech volume can be changed by sending SPI command to modify the speed or by adding
control character to control the volume in real-time.
0x16 ^V
before the input text string.
It’s the user’s responsibility to verify the WTS701 volume setting before sending a control character
and/or SPI command that modify volume.
The way upper/lower case is handled can be changed by adding a control character in the text sent to
control the case sensitivity behavior in real-time.
0x15 ^U
with all uppercase letters. A space character is required after the control characters before the acutual
input text string.
Pause control flage: ‘^QX’: Pauses with variant length can be added within a sentence by using the
‘^QX’ flag. ‘X’ is an integer which indicats the pause duration (‘X’ is 0.1 sec per unit). For instance,
‘^Q10’ will add in a 1-second pause.
7.7.3 Volume Change
^V+: Increase volume by 1 (e.g. ‘^V+ Hello world’).
^V-: Decrease volume by 1.
^VX: Set the volume to X. X starts from 0 to 7 (e.g. ‘^V1 Hello world’).
Any number that is greater than 7 will be set to 0.
7.7.4 Case Sensitivity
^U0: This is the default setting. Some all-uppercase words (all CAPs) are spelled out, but
others are treated as ordinary words, abbreviations, Roman numerals, ect. (e.g. ‘^U0 IBM
equals ‘i b m’).
^U1: Avoid spelling out all-uppercase words. Any all-uppercase word in the input string will
NOT be spelled out unless the system determines that the word is not pronounceable. In this
mode, there is no abbreviation support (e.g. ‘^U1 NOKIA’ equals ‘nokia’).
^U2: Spell out all words, regardless of case. All words in the input sting are spelled out in
this mode. There is no abbreviation support in this mode (e.g. ‘^U2 NOKIA’ equals ‘n o k i a’).
^U3: Force the all-capital words/strings to be spelled out regardless of string length. For
instance, ‘^U3 HELLO’ will be pronounced as ‘H’, ‘E’, ‘L’, ‘L’, ‘O’.
7.7.5. Pause Control
Volume Change Flag. A space character is required after the control characters
All-Uppercase Word (all CAPs) Control Flag. This flag controls interpretation of strings
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Publication Release Date: May 2003
Revision 3.09

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