dp83950b National Semiconductor Corporation, dp83950b Datasheet - Page 23



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Dp83950b Rictm Repeater Interface Controller
National Semiconductor Corporation

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Figure 5 1
5 0 Functional Description
The I E E E repeater specification details a number of func-
tions a repeater system must perform These requirements
allied with a need for the implementation to be multiport
strongly favors the choice of a modular design style In such
a design functionality is split between those tasks common
to all data channels and those exclusive to each individual
channel The RIC follows this approach certain functional
blocks are replicated for each network attachment (also
known as a repeater port) and others are shared The fol-
lowing section briefly describes the functional blocks in the
Segment Specific Block Network Port
As shown in the Block Diagram the segment specific blocks
consist of
1 One or more physical layer interfaces
2 A logic block required for performing repeater operations
This function is repeated 13 times in the RIC (one for each
port) and is shown on the right side of the Block Diagram
The physical layer interfaces provided depends upon the
port under examination Port 1 has an AUI compliant inter-
face for use with AUI compatible transceiver boxes and ca-
ble Ports 2 to 13 may be configured for use with one of two
interfaces twisted pair or an external transceiver The for-
mer utilizes the RIC’s on-chip 10BASE-T transceivers the
latter allows connection to external transceivers When us-
ing the external transceiver mode the interface is AUI com-
patible Although AUI compatible transceivers are support-
ed the interface is not designed for use with an interface
cable thus the transceivers are necessarily internal to the
repeater equipment
Inside the port logic there are 3 distinct functions
1 The port state machine ‘‘PSM’’ is required to perform
2 The port partition logic implements the segment partition-
3 The port status register reflects the current status of the
Shared Functional Blocks
Repeater Core Logic
The shared functional blocks consist of the Repeater Main
State Machine (MSM) and Timers a 32 bit Elasticity Buffer
PLL Decoder and Receive and Transmit Multiplexors
These blocks perform the majority of the operations needed
to fulfill the requirements of the IEEE repeater specification
When a packet is received by a port it is sent via the Re-
ceive Multiplexor to the PLL Decoder Notification of the
upon that particular segment This is known as the ‘‘port’’
logic since it is the access ‘‘port’’ the segment has to the
rest of the network
data and collision repetition as described by the repeater
specification for example it determines whether this port
should be receiving from or transmitting to its network
ing algorithm This algorithm is defined by the IEEE speci-
fication and is used to protect the network from malfunc-
tioning segements
port It may be accessed by a system processor to obtain
this status or to perform certain port configuration opera-
tions such as port disable
data and collision status is sent to the main state machine
via the receive multiplexor and collision activity status sig-
nals This enables the main state machine to determine the
source of the data to be repeated and the type of data to be
transmitted The transmit data may be either the received
packet’s data field or a preamble jam pattern consisting of
a 1010
Associated with the main state machine are a series of tim-
ers These ensure various IEEE specification times (referred
to as the TW1 to TW6 times) are fulfilled
A repeater unit is required to meet the same signal jitter
performance as any receiving node attached to a network
segment Consequently a phase locked loop Manchester
decoder is required so that the packet may be decoded and
the jitter accumulated over the receiving segment recov-
ered The decode logic outputs data in NRZ format with an
associated clock and enable In this form the packet is in a
convenient format for transfer to other devices such as net-
work controllers and other RICs via the Inter-RIC bus (de-
scribed later) The data may then be re-encoded into Man-
chester data and transmitted
Reception and transmission via physical layer transceiver
units causes a loss of bits in the preamble field of a data
packet The repeater specification requires this loss to be
compensated for To accomplish this an elasticity buffer is
employed to temporarily store bits in the data field of the
The sequence of operation is as follows
Soon after the network segment receiving the data packet
has been identified the RIC begins to transmit the packet
preamble pattern (1010
ments While the preamble is being transmitted the Elastici-
ty Buffer monitors the decoded received clock and data sig-
nals (this is done via the Inter-RIC bus as described later)
When the start of frame delimiter ‘‘SFD’’ is detected the
received data stream is written into the elasticity buffer Re-
moval of data from the buffer for retransmission is not al-
lowed until a valid length preamble pattern has been trans-
Inter-RIC Bus Interface
Using the RIC in a repeater system allows the design to be
constructed with many more network attachments than can
be supported by a single chip The split of functions already
described allows data packets and collision status to be
transferred between multiple RICs and at the same time the
multiple RICs still behave as a single logical repeater Since
all RICs in a repeater system are identical and capable of
performing any of the repetition operations the failure of
one RIC will not cause the failure of the entire system This
is an important issue in large multiport repeaters
RICs communicate via a specialized interface known as the
Inter-RIC bus This allows the data packet to be transferred
from the receiving RIC to the other RICs in the system
These RICs then transmit the data stream to their seg-
ments Just as important as data transfer is the notification
of collisions occurring across the network The Inter-RIC
bus has a set of status lines capable of conveying collision
information between RICs to ensure their main state ma-
chines operate in the appropriate manner
bit pattern
) onto the other network seg-

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