PIC16C73-04/L Microchip Technology, PIC16C73-04/L Datasheet - Page 283



Manufacturer Part Number
8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with A/D Converter
Microchip Technology
Table 1-1:
Table 3-1:
Table 3-2:
Table 3-3:
Table 4-1:
Table 4-2:
Table 4-3:
Table 5-1:
Table 5-2:
Table 5-3:
Table 5-4:
Table 5-5:
Table 5-6:
Table 5-7:
Table 5-8:
Table 5-9:
Table 5-10:
Table 5-11:
Table 7-1:
Table 8-1:
Table 8-2:
Table 9-1:
Table 10-1:
Table 10-2:
Table 10-3:
Table 10-4:
Table 10-5:
Table 11-1:
Table 11-2:
Table 11-3:
Table 11-4:
Table 11-5:
Table 12-1:
Table 12-2:
Table 12-3:
Table 12-4:
Table 12-5:
Table 12-6:
Table 12-7:
1997 Microchip Technology Inc.
PIC16C7XX Family of Devces .................... 6
PIC16C72 Pinout Description ................... 13
PIC16C73/73A/76 Pinout Description ....... 14
PIC16C74/74A/77 Pinout Description ....... 15
PIC16C72 Special Function Register
Summary................................................... 23
PIC16C73/73A/74/74A Special
Function Register Summary...................... 25
PIC16C76/77 Special Function
Register Summary .................................... 27
PORTA Functions ..................................... 44
Summary of Registers Associated
with PORTA .............................................. 44
PORTB Functions ..................................... 46
Summary of Registers Associated
with PORTB .............................................. 47
PORTC Functions ..................................... 48
Summary of Registers Associated
with PORTC .............................................. 49
PORTD Functions ..................................... 50
Summary of Registers Associated
with PORTD .............................................. 50
PORTE Functions ..................................... 52
Summary of Registers Associated
with PORTE .............................................. 52
Registers Associated with
Parallel Slave Port..................................... 55
Registers Associated with Timer0............. 63
Capacitor Selection for the
Timer1 Oscillator ....................................... 67
Registers Associated with Timer1
as a Timer/Counter ................................... 68
Registers Associated with
Timer2 as a Timer/Counter ....................... 70
CCP Mode - Timer Resource.................... 71
Interaction of Two CCP Modules .............. 71
Example PWM Frequencies and
Resolutions at 20 MHz .............................. 75
Registers Associated with Capture,
Compare, and Timer1 ............................... 75
Registers Associated with PWM
and Timer2 ................................................ 76
Registers Associated with SPI
Operation .................................................. 82
Registers Associated with SPI
Operation (PIC16C76/77) ......................... 88
Data Transfer Received Byte
Actions ...................................................... 94
Registers Associated with I
Operation .................................................. 97
Baud Rate Formula ................................. 101
Registers Associated with Baud
Rate Generator ....................................... 101
Baud Rates for Synchronous Mode ........ 102
Baud Rates for Asynchronous Mode
(BRGH = 0) ............................................. 102
Baud Rates for Asynchronous Mode
(BRGH = 1) ............................................. 103
Registers Associated with
Asynchronous Transmission ................... 107
Registers Associated with
Asynchronous Reception ........................ 109
C Bus Terminology ................................. 89
Table 12-8:
Table 12-9:
Table 12-10:
Table 12-11:
Table 13-1:
Table 13-2:
Table 13-3:
Table 14-1:
Table 14-2:
Table 14-3:
Table 14-4:
Table 14-5:
Table 14-6:
Table 14-7:
Table 14-8:
Table 15-1:
Table 15-2:
Table 16-1:
Table 17-1:
Table 17-2:
Table 17-3:
Table 17-4:
Table 17-5:
Table 17-6:
Table 17-7:
Table 17-8:
Table 17-9:
Table 17-10:
Table 17-11:
Table 18-1:
Registers Associated with Synchronous Mas-
ter Transmission ......................................111
Registers Associated with Synchronous Mas-
ter Reception ...........................................112
Registers Associated with
Synchronous Slave Transmission ...........115
Registers Associated with
Synchronous Slave Reception.................115
Frequencies .............................................121
Registers/Bits Associated with A/D,
PIC16C72 ................................................126
Summary of A/D Registers,
PIC16C73/73A/74/74A/76/77 ..................127
Ceramic Resonators ................................131
Capacitor Selection for Crystal
Time-out in Various Situations,
PIC16C73/74 ...........................................135
Time-out in Various Situations,
PIC16C72/73A/74A/76/77 .......................135
Status Bits and Their Significance,
PIC16C73/74 ...........................................135
Status Bits and Their Significance,
PIC16C72/73A/74A/76/77 .......................136
Reset Condition for Special
Initialization Conditions for all
Opcode Field Descriptions.......................147
PIC16CXX Instruction Set .......................148
Development Tools from Microchip .........166
Cross Reference of Device Specs
for Oscillator Configurations and
Frequencies of Operation
(Commercial Devices) .............................167
External Clock Timing
Requirements ..........................................173
CLKOUT and I/O Timing
Requirements ..........................................174
Reset, Watchdog Timer,
Oscillator Start-up Timer, Power-up
Timer, and brown-out Reset
Requirements ..........................................175
Timer0 and Timer1 External
Clock Requirements ................................176
Requirements (CCP1) .............................177
SPI Mode Requirements..........................178
Requirements ..........................................179
A/D Converter Characteristics:
(Commercial, Industrial, Extended)
(Commercial, Industrial, Extended)
(Commercial, Industrial, Extended)
(Commercial, Industrial)...........................181
A/D Conversion Requirements ................182
Cross Reference of Device
Specs for Oscillator Configurations
and Frequencies of Operation
(Commercial Devices) .............................183
C Bus Start/Stop Bits
C Bus Data Requirements ....................180
vs. Device Operating
DS30390E-page 283

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