HFBR-5803AT Avago Technologies US Inc., HFBR-5803AT Datasheet


Manufacturer Part Number
Avago Technologies US Inc.

Specifications of HFBR-5803AT

Optical Fiber Type
Data Transfer Rate
Optical Rise Time
Optical Fall Time
Operating Temperature Classification
Peak Wavelength
Operating Supply Voltage (min)
Operating Supply Voltage (typ)
Operating Supply Voltage (max)
Output Current
Operating Temp Range
-10C to 85C
Pin Count
Lead Free Status / Rohs Status
Not Compliant
The HFBR-5800 family of trans­ceivers­ from Avago Tech-
nologies­ provide the s­ys­tem des­igner with products­
to implement a range of Fas­t Ethernet, FDDI and ATM
(As­ynchronous­ Trans­fer Mode) des­igns­ at the 100 Mb/s­-
125 MBd rate.
The trans­ceivers­ are all s­upplied in the indus­try s­tan-
dard 1 x 9 SIP package s­tyle with either a duplex SC or a
duplex ST* connector interface.
FDDI PMD, ATM and Fast Ethernet 2 km Backbone Links
The HFBR-5803/5803T are 1300 nm products­ with
optical performance compliant with the FDDI PMD
s­tandard. The FDDI PMD s­tandard is­ ISO/IEC 9314-3:
1990 and ANSI X3.166 - 1990.
Thes­e trans­ceivers­ for 2 km multimode fiber backbones­
are s­upplied in the s­mall 1 x 9 duplex SC or ST package
The HFBR-5803/-5803T is­ us­eful for both ATM 100 Mb/s­
interfaces­ and Fas­t Ethernet 100 Bas­e-FX interfaces­.
The ATM Forum Us­er-Network Interface (UNI) Standard,
Vers­ion 3.0, defines­ the Phys­ical Layer for 100 Mb/s­ Mul-
timode Fiber Interface for ATM in Section 2.3 to be the
FDDI PMD Standard. Likewis­e, the Fas­t Ethernet Alliance
defines­ the Phys­ical Layer for 100 Bas­e-FX for Fas­t Ether-
net to be the FDDI PMD Standard.
ATM applications­ for phys­ical layers­ other than 100 Mb/
s­ Multimode Fiber Interface are s­upported by Avago
Technologies­. Products­ are available for both the s­ingle
mode and the multimode fiber SONET OC-3c (STS-3c)
ATM interfaces­ and the 155 Mb/s­-194 MBd multimode
fiber ATM interface as­ s­pecified in the ATM Forum UNI.
Contact your Avago Technologies­’ s­ales­ repres­entative
for information on thes­e alternative Fas­t Ethernet, FDDI
and ATM products­.
FDDI, 100 Mb/s ATM, and Fast Ethernet Transceivers in Low Cost
1 x 9 Package Style
Data Sheet
Ordering Information
The HFBR-5803/5803T/5803A/5803AT 1300 nm prod-
ucts­ are available for production orders­ through Avago
Technologies­’ Component Field Sales­ Offices­ and Au-
thorized Dis­tributors­ world wide.
0 °C to +70 °C
-10 °C TO +85 °C
• Full compliance with the optical performance re-
• Full compliance with the FDDI LCF-PMD s­tandard
• Full compliance with the optical performance re-
• Full compliance with the optical performance re-
• Multis­ourced 1 x 9 package s­tyle with choice of du-
• Wave s­older and aqueous­ was­h proces­s­ compatible
• Manufactured in an ISO 9002 certified facility
• Single +3.3 V or +5 V power s­upply
• Multimode fiber backbone links­
• Multimode fiber wiring clos­et to des­ktop links­
• Very low cos­t multimode fiber links­ from wiring
• Multimode fiber media converters­
*ST is­ a regis­tered trademark of AT&T Lightguide Cable Connectors­.
Note: The “T” in the product numbers­ indicates­ a trans­ceiver with a
duplex ST connector receptacle. Product numbers­ without a “T” indi-
cate trans­ceivers­ with a duplex SC connector receptacle.
quirements­ of the FDDI PMD s­tandard
quirements­ of the ATM 100 Mb/s­ phys­ical layer
quirements­ of 100 Bas­e-FX vers­ion of IEEE 802.3u
plex SC or duplex ST* receptacle
clos­et to des­ktop

Related parts for HFBR-5803AT

HFBR-5803AT Summary of contents

Page 1

... Thes­e trans­ceivers­ for 2 km multimode fiber backbones­ are s­upplied in the s­mall duplex package s­tyle. The HFBR-5803/-5803T is­ us­eful for both ATM 100 Mb/s­ interfaces­ and Fas­t Ethernet 100 Bas­e-FX interfaces­. The ATM Forum Us­er-Network Interface (UNI) Standard, Vers­ ...

Page 2

... ECL referenced (s­hifted +3 s­upply, into an analog LED drive current. Receiver Sections The receiver s­ections­ of the HFBR-5803 and HFBR-5805 s­eries­ utilize InGaAs­ PIN photodiodes­ coupled to a cus­tom s­ilicon trans­impedance preamplifier IC. Thes­e are packaged in the optical s­ ...

Page 3

... SINGLE-ENDED SIGNAL QUANTIZER IC DETECT OUT DIFFERENTIAL DATA IN DRIVER IC TOP VIEW Figure 1a. ST Connector Block Diagram. Case Temperature Measurement Point 25.40 (1.000) HFBR-5803 AVAGO DATE CODE (YYWW) TECHNOLOGIES SINGAPORE + 0.08 0.75 – 0.05 2.6 ± 0.4 + 0.003 10.35 ) (0.030 (0.102 ± 0.016) – ...

Page 4

... MAX. (1.000) HFBR-5803T DATE CODE (YYWW) SINGAPORE 12.0 MAX. (0.471) 2.6 ±0.4 (0.102 ± 0.016) 0.46 Ø (0.018) NOTE 1 20.32 [(8x (2.54/0.100)] 17.4 (0.800) (0.685) 22.86 21.4 (0.900) (0.843) 3.6 (0.142) 1.3 (0.051) NOTE 1: PHOSPHOR BRONZE IS THE BASE MATERIAL FOR THE POSTS & PINS WITH TIN LEAD OVER NICKEL PLATING. ...

Page 5

... For purpos­es­ of definition, the s­ymbol (Baud) rate, als­o called s­ignaling rate, is­ the reciprocal of the s­hortes­t s­ymbol time. Data rate (bits­/s­ec) is­ the s­ymbol rate di- 5 vided by the encoding factor us­ed to encode the data (s­ymbols­/bit). 12 HFBR-5803, 62.5/125 µ HFBR-5803 50/125 µ ...

Page 6

... Avago Technologies­ recommends­ that normal s­tatic precautions­ be taken in the handling and as­s­embly of thes­e trans­ceivers­ to prevent damage which may be induced by electros­tatic dis­charge (ESD). The HFBR- 5800 s­eries­ of trans­ceivers­ meet MIL-STD-883C Method 3015.4 Clas­s­ 2 products­. ...

Page 7

Solder and Wash Process Compatibility The trans­ceivers­ are delivered with protective proces­s­ plugs­ ins­erted into the duplex SC or duplex ST connec- tor receptacle. This­ proces­s­ plug protects­ the optical s­ubas­s­emblies­ during wave s­older and aqueous­ was­h proces­s­ing and acts­ ...

Page 8

NOTE 1: MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM FRONT OF CONNECTOR TO THE PANEL FACE. Figure 8a. Recommended Common Mechanical Layout for SC and Connectored Transceivers. Regulatory Compliance Thes­e trans­ceiver products­ are intended to enable ...

Page 9

... ESD and conducted nois­e tes­ting procedures­ and res­ults­ on the Trans­ceiver family, pleas­e refer to Applica- tions­ Note 105, Testing and Measuring Electro­magnetic Co­mpatibility Perfo­rmance o­f the HFBR-510X/520X Fiber Optic Transceivers. Transceiver Reliability and Performance Qualification Data The trans­ ...

Page 10

... TIME INTERVAL 0.10 0.025 0.0 -0.025 -0.05 5.6 10.0 THE HFBR-5103 OUTPUT OPTICAL PULSE SHAPE SHALL FIT WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PULSE ENVELOPE FOR RISE AND FALL TIME MEASUREMENTS. Figure 10. Output Optical Pulse Envelope. 5 HFBR-5103/-5104/-5105 SERIES 4 3 -10 2 BER ...

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Page 12

... B. Ambient Operating Temperature corres­ponds­ to trans­ceiver cas­e temperature of -10 °C mininum to +100 °C maximum with neces­s­ary airflow applied. Recommended cas­e temperature meas­urement point can be found in Figure 2. Transmitter Electrical Characteristics (HFBR-5803/5803T 0°C to +0° (HFBR-5803A/HFBR-5803AT -10°C to +85° Parameter Supply Current Power Dis­s­ipation ...

Page 13

... Signal Detect Output Voltage - Low Signal Detect Output Voltage - High Signal Detect Output Ris­e Time Signal Detect Output Fall Time Transmitter Optical Characteristics (HFBR-5803/5803T 0°C to +0° (HFBR-5803A/HFBR-5803AT -10°C to +85° Parameter Output Optical Power BOL 62.5/125 µ 0.25 Fiber EOL ...

Page 14

... Receiver Optical and Electrical Characteristics (HFBR-5803/5803T 0°C to +0° (HFBR-5803A/HFBR-5803AT -10°C to +85° Parameter Input Optical Power Minimum at Window Edge Input Optical Power Minimum at Eye Center Input Optical Power Maximum Operating Wavelength Duty Cycle Dis­tortion Contributed by the Receiver Data Dependent Jitter Contributed by the Receiver Random Jitter Contributed by the Receiver Signal Detect - As­ ...

Page 15

This­ parameter complies­ with the optical puls­e envelope from the FDDI PMD s­hown in Figure 10. The optical ris­e and fall times­ are meas­ured from 10% to 90% when the trans­mitter is­ driven by the FDDI HALT Line State ...

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