OPTOEMU-PT600 OPTO 22, OPTOEMU-PT600 Datasheet - Page 2



Manufacturer Part Number

Specifications of OPTOEMU-PT600

Accessory Type
Auxiliary Box
External Width
External Depth
Voltage Rating
Opto 22 • 43044 Business Park Drive • Temecula, CA 92590-3614 • www.opto22.com
SALES 800-321-6786 • 951-695-3000 • FAX 951-695-3095 • sales@opto22.com • SUPPORT 800-835-6786 • 951-695-3080 • FAX 951-695-3017 • support@opto22.com
© 2010–2011 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Connecting directly to a panel
Connecting to a pulse input
Direct—Using suitable current transformers (CTs) with a
0.333 VAC secondary, the Sensor can monitor voltage and
current directly from the main power load panel on a
building or facility. It can also monitor loads from
individual subpanels or electrical equipment such as
chillers, boilers, compressors, elevators, and air handling
One Sensor can connect to one 3-phase electrical panel or
device or to three single-phase panels or devices. The
Sensor measures line-to-neutral voltage and is suitable for
up to 600 volt systems (346 VAC wye).
If you need a fusible disconnect or plan to power the
Sensor from the monitored panel, also purchase the
OPTOEMU-PT600 auxiliary box, which contains a
transformer and fusible disconnect.
OptoEMU Sensor (Energy Monitoring Unit)
the best wireless security, plus the older WPA security standard
for backwards compatibility.
Data Storage
The OptoEMU Sensor can store data internally. If
communication with the software service is lost, the unit
stores data for delivery when communication is restored.
Mounting and Wiring
If the OptoEMU Sensor is monitoring voltage and current
directly from a panel or device, it should be mounted right
next to it. Power for the unit is supplied by a standard 120 VAC
or 240 VAC wall outlet. If you need to power the Sensor from a
panel or device with higher voltage, also purchase the
The Sensor includes an easy-to-use
utility program for assigning an IP
address for communication on your
network, configuring the monitored
devices, and entering the necessary
information to connect to the software
The OptoEMU Sensor uses standard
computer networks and protocols to
send data to the online software service,
which displays energy use to authorized
viewers over the Internet.
The OptoEMU Sensor communicates
with these services over a standard 10/
100 Mbps Ethernet network or over an
802.11a, b, or g wireless LAN (local area
network). With wired Ethernet network
interfaces plus an independent wireless
interface, the unit gives you the
flexibility to monitor devices in hard-to-
reach areas and to set up networking
suited to your business.
Security on the wireless LAN includes
802.11i WPA2/AES, currently considered
Suitable, safe, easy-to-install CTs
with a 0.333 VAC secondary are
available through Opto 22. See form
#1938, the
Transformers Data
Split-Core Current
Sheet, for more

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