498-5110-A01 Amphenol, 498-5110-A01 Datasheet



Manufacturer Part Number

Specifications of 498-5110-A01

Number Of Contact Rows
Number Of Contacts
Contact Plating
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Hom e
VHDM H-Se rie s
VHDM® H-Series Part Number Scheme
VHDM H-Series 6-Row Daughtercard Connector Lead-Off Number
AV963-XXXXX 6-Row VHDM H-Series daughtercard connector.
AV607-XXXXX Lead-Free 6-Row VHDM H-Series daughtercard connector.
AV956-XXXXX Hybrid 6-Row daughtercard
AV602-XXXXX Lead-Free Hybrid 6-Row daughtercard
VHDM H-Series 8-Row Daughtercard Connector Lead-Off Number
AV962-XXXXX 8-Row VHDM H-Series daughtercard connector.
AV807-XXXXX Lead-Free 8-Row VHDM H-Series daughtercard connector.
AV953-XXXXX Hybrid 8-Row daughtercard
AV802-XXXXX Lead-Free Hybrid 8-Row daughtercard
VHDM H-Series 6-Row & 8-Row
Backplane Connector Lead-Off Number
Amphenol DesignLink, DesignLink and Amphenol are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amphenol Corporation.
Aptera, Crossbow, eHSD, GbX, HD Plus, HDM Plus, HDM, HD-Optyx, NeXLev, Ventura, VHDM, VHDM-HSD, XCede,
Tota l Syste m Solutions
> Part Num be r Sche m e
C ustomer part numbers are assigned sequentially.
C ustomer part numbers are assigned sequentially.
A hybrid daughercard connector allows designer to create
connectors using any combination of standard VHDM, VHDM-
HSD, VHDM L-Series, and VHDM H-Series 6-Row wafers on
the same stiffener. Part numbers are assigned sequentially.
A hybrid daughercard connector allows designer to
create connectors using any combination of standard
VHDM, VHDM-HSD, VHDM L-Series, and VHDM H-Series
6-Row wafers on the same stiffener. Part numbers are
assigned sequentially.
C ustomer part numbers are assigned sequentially.
C ustomer part numbers are assigned sequentially.
A hybrid daughercard connector allows designer to create
connectors using any combination of standard VHDM, VHDM-
HSD, VHDM L-Series, and VHDM H-Series 8-Row wafers on
the same stiffener. Part numbers are assigned sequentially.
A hybrid daughercard connector allows designer to
create connectors using any combination of standard
VHDM, VHDM-HSD, VHDM L-Series, and VHDM H-Series
8-Row wafers on the same stiffener. Part numbers are
assigned sequentially.
All other product names are the marks of the respective owners.
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