DPO3EMBD Tektronix, DPO3EMBD Datasheet - Page 3



Manufacturer Part Number
Benchtop Oscilloscopes Embd. serial trigger and analysis module

Specifications of DPO3EMBD

Equipment Type
Application Module
Sampling Rate
2.5 GS/s
Rohs Compliant
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Lead free / RoHS Compliant
For Use With
MSO/DPO3000 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
Designed to Make Your
Work Easier
Wave Inspector
Imagine trying to efficiently use the
Internet if search engines such as
Google and Yahoo didn’t exist, web
browser features such as Favorites and
Links didn’t exist, or Internet Service
Providers like AOL or MSN weren’t
around. Now you know how most
modern oscilloscope users feel when
trying to actually use the long record
length in their digital oscilloscope.
Record length, one of the key specifica-
tions of an oscilloscope, is the number
of samples it can digitize and store in a
single acquisition. The longer the record
length, the longer the time window you
can capture with high resolution (high
Wave Inspector Controls provide unprece-
dented efficiency in viewing, navigating
and analyzing waveform data.
sample rate). The first digital oscillo-
scopes could capture and store only
500 points which made it very difficult
to acquire all relevant information
around the event being investigated.
Over the years, oscilloscope vendors
have provided longer and longer record
lengths to meet market demands for
long capture windows with high resolu-
tion to the point that most mid-range
oscilloscopes either come standard
with, or can be optionally upgraded to,
multi-million-point record lengths. These
million-point record lengths often repre-
sent thousands of screens worth of
signal activity. While standard record
lengths have increased greatly over the
years and can now satisfy the vast
majority of applications in the market-
place, tools for effectively and efficiently
viewing, navigating and analyzing long
record length acquisitions have been
sorely neglected until now. The
DPO3000 Series addresses the need
for working with long record lengths
with the following innovative Wave
Inspector controls:
Zoom/Pan – A dedicated, two-tier
front-panel knob set provides intuitive
control of both zooming and panning
through acquired records. The inner
knob adjusts the zoom factor (or zoom
scale); turning it clockwise activates
zoom and goes to progressively higher
zoom factors, while turning it counter-
DPO3000 • www.tektronix.com/oscilloscopes
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
clockwise results in lower zoom factors
and eventually turning zoom off. The
outer knob pans the zoom box across
the waveform to quickly get to the
portion of the waveform you are inter-
ested in. The outer knob also utilizes
force-feedback to determine how fast
to pan on the waveform. The farther
you turn the outer knob, the faster the
zoom box moves. Pan direction is
changed by simply turning the knob the
other way. No longer do you need to
navigate through multiple menus to
adjust your zoom view.
Play/Pause – A dedicated play/pause
button on the front panel scrolls the
waveform across the display automati-
cally while you look for anomalies or an
event of interest. Playback speed and
direction are controlled using the intu-
itive pan knob. Once again, turning the
knob further makes the waveform scroll
faster and changing direction is as
simple as turning the knob the other way.
User Marks – See something inter-
esting on your waveform? Press the
Set Mark button on the front panel to
leave one or more “bookmarks” on the
waveform. Navigating between marks
is as simple as pressing the Previous
front panel.
) and Next (
) buttons on the
DPO3000 Series