79222641 Crouzet USA, 79222641 Datasheet - Page 327



Manufacturer Part Number
Crouzet USA

Specifications of 79222641

Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Lead free / RoHS Compliant
1. Acceptance
All orders are accepted subject to the following Conditions of Sale which cannot be varied
except expressly and in writing by us. These terms and conditions shall prevail over any
terms and conditions contained in a purchaser’s order. Any sale by us to purchaser
subsequent to an order or other notification incorporating any Conditions of Purchase of
the Purchaser shall not be deemed to constitute an acceptance by us of the purchaser’s
Conditions of Purchase.
2. Prices and discounts
All prices and discount rates are subject to alteration without notice and the rate applicable
to a particular order will be our price and discount rates current at the date of despatch
irrespective of the price and discount rate stated in our acknowledgement. Minimum order
charge payable.
3. Payment
Payment must be made with the order in cash without any deduction (other than any
discount rate previously agreed by us) unless monthly or other terms have been approved
by us prior to the order being made.
4. Despatch dates
Despatch dates given are based on our best information at the time quoted, but are given
as estimates only. We reserve the right to postpone any quoted despatch or delivery dates
without prior notice and without liability for any delay. Delivery weeks are numbered 1-52
from January to December.
5. Cancellation or amendment
We reserve the right to cancel or amend a purchaser’s order if it is impractical or impossible
for us to fulfil the order by reason of any act of God, war, civil disturbance, strike, lockout,
cessation of work, combination of workmen or employees, legislation or restriction of any
governmental or other authority, breakdown or interruption of transport, force majeure or
any other circumstances beyond our control and in such circumstances the obligations of
each part hereunder shall be wholly or partially suspended during the continuance and to
the extent of such prevention, interruption or hindrance.
6. Descriptions
Technical information relating to our products as set out in our catalogue(s) and description
literature may be varied by us from time to time due to manufacturing and other factors.
Every effort will be made to keep our literature and catalogues up-to-date but the purchaser
should make specific enquiries and satisfy himself that any order given by him is of
products and specifications currently available, and supplied by us at the time the order is
given. Every endeavour will be made by us to correct and up-date our literature from time
to time as the situation shall require but we accept no liability for minor or trifling
7. Delivery complaints
Non delivery within 10 days of the date of despatch must be reported immediately in writing
to us and to the carriers. Any damage or shortfall in delivery must be reported in writing to
us within three days of delivery giving a statement of the alleged shortfall or damage. We
shall not be liable for any claims in respect of the above complaints unless they have been
reported in accordance with this Clause.
8. Warranty
We shall repair or, at our option, replace without charge any products manufactured and
supplied by us hereunder which prove defective within twelve months from the date of
despatch PROVIDED ALWAYS, that
a) such products have not been structurally modified or misused or misapplied;
b) they are returned to us carriage paid;
c) all terms agreed by us for payment of such goods have been strictly complied with;
d) any claim hereunder is made within 30 days of the date of discovery of the defect.
PROVIDED THAT this Warranty shall not extend to any prototype(s) nor any pre-production
batch supplied for customer evaluation. Where it appears to us following an inspection of
the return of goods that no defect rendering the goods unmerchantable or fit for their
purpose exists or has existed since despatch by us we shall be entitled at our absolute
discretion to return the goods henceforth to the buyer who shall thereupon bear and be
responsible for cost of carriage thereby incurred.
Save as provided above we accept no liability in contract or tort whatsoever in respect of
defects in goods sold by us save where such liability cannot be limited or exclused in law.
Conditions of sale
9. Errors
We reserve the right to correct all typographical and clerical errors and the purchaser may
not rely on any such information thus erroneously provided.
10. Proper law
The parties hereby agree that any contract made between them and any question thereby
arising shall be governed by English law.
11. Intellectual property
The purchaser hereby agrees and undertakes not to copy, publicise or make available to
any third party any drawings, designs, patterns, tooling written instructions, software
specifications etc produced and supplied by us in connection with any order placed under
these conditions save in accordance with any licence granted by us and it is hereby agreed
that the same shall remain our property and must be returned to us on demand free of
charge. Where software is incorporated in our product and sold to the purchaser as a
package the software remains our property and the purchaser has a no-exclusive right of
As a consequence, the purchaser is forbidden to reproduce, except for the purchasers own
security copy purposes, alter or publish such software as is marketed by us or otherwise
inform unauthorised persons.
12. Title
We retain ownership in the goods until full payment has been made and goods supplied
that have not been paid for must be held by the purchaser on our behalf as follows :
a) It shall be the duty of the purchaser to preserve and store goods delivered in an
identifiable form and not to mix or make the said goods until payment is received by us in
full, unless written consent is other-wise given. Further if such written consent is given, it is
agreed that you will hold the proceeds of sale on trust for us in a separate identifiable bank
account until the payment is made in full.
b) It is further hereby agreed that in the event of the purchaser becoming bankrupt or
having a Receiving Order or Administration Order made or making arrangements with
creditors for commencing to be wound up then the purchaser will notify us forthwith and we
shall be entitled to give notices and instructions to the purchaser in accordance with clause
(a) above. Nothing in this sub-clause shall prejudice our rights with regard to clause (a)
13. Minimum order charge
£100 (excluding Post and Packing)+VAT. Orders for less than £100 will be charged as £100.
VAT will be added at the relevant rate.