f75395 Feature Integration Technology Inc., f75395 Datasheet - Page 10



Manufacturer Part Number
?1o C Temperature Sensor With ? Compensation
Feature Integration Technology Inc.
6.5 Alert#
6.6 THERM#
6.7 ADC Conversion Sequence
Five events can trigger ALERT# to low:
(1). VT1(Local) temperature exceeds High Limit
(2). VT1(Local) temperature goes below Low Limit
(3). VT2(Remote) temperature exceeds High Limit
(4). VT2(Remote) temperature goes below Low Limit
(5). VT2(Remote) temperature is Open-circuit.
These five events are wired-NOR together. This means that when one of out-of-limit event occurs, the ALERT# output goes low if the
MASK control is disabled. ALERT# signal can be used as an IRQ-like interrupt or as an SMBALERT. When ALERT# acts as an
IRQ-like interrupt, the ALERT# will be de-asserted until the following 2 conditions are matched:
(1). The abnormal condition is gone
(2). Reading the Status register to clear the status
When ALERT# acts as a SMBALERT, the ALERT# will be de-asserted until the following 3 conditions are matched:
(1). The abnormal condition is gone
(2). Reading the Status register to clear the status
(3). The ALERT# has been serviced by the SMBus master reading the device address.
For more information about SMBALERT, please see SMBus 1.1 specification.
Either VT1(Local) or VT2(Remote) temperature exceeds the corresponding THERM limit, the THERM# output will assert low. The
asserted output will be de-asserted until the temperature goes below (THERM Limit – Hysteresis). The hysteresis default value is
10°C and it can be programmed. Both VT1 and VT2 have their own THERM limits and Hysteresis values.
If a START command is written, both channels are converted and the results of both measurements are available after the end of
conversion. A BUSY status bit in the status byte shows that the device is actually performing a new conversion; however, even if the
ADC is busy, the results of the previous conversion are always available.
Remote-sensor transistor manufacturers
Model Number
2SB0709 2N3906
May, 2008

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