MAX11081GUU+W Maxim Integrated, MAX11081GUU+W Datasheet - Page 22



Manufacturer Part Number
Battery Management
Maxim Integrated
MAX11080, MAX11081r

Specifications of MAX11081GUU+W

12-Channel, High-Voltage
Battery-Pack Fault Monitors
Table 3. System Fault Modes
PCB or IC package open or short
circuit—no stack load
Random connection of cells to IC—
no stack load
Random connection of modules—
no stack load
Random connect/disconnect of
communication bus—no stack load;
AC- or DC-coupled
Random connect/disconnect of
communication bus—with stack load;
AC- or DC-coupled
Connect/disconnect module
interconnect (bus bar)—no stack load
Removal/fault of module interconnect
(bus bar)—with stack load
Removal/fault of module interconnect
(bus bar)—with stack under charge
Refer to the pin-level FMEA analysis
spreadsheet available from the factory
No effect
No effect
Communication from host to the first
break in the daisy-chain bus
Communication from host to the first
break in the daisy-chain bus
No effect for DC- or AC-coupled
communication bus
No effect for AC-coupled
communication bus; device damage for
DC-coupled bus
No effect for AC-coupled
communication bus; device damage for
DC-coupled bus
The b ui l t- i n featur es of the
M AX 11080/M AX 11081, shoul d ensur e l ow FM E A
r i sk i n m ost cases.
The series resistors on the cell inputs of the
M AX 11080/M AX 11081, as well as the internal
design, ensure protection against random
power-supply or ground connections.
E ach m od ul e i s r efer enced to i ts nei g hb or , so no
sp eci al connecti on or d er i s necessar y.
The level-shifted interface design of the
M AX 11080/M AX 11081 ensures that the SHDN,
connected at any time with no load.
The level-shifted interface design of the
M AX 11080/M AX 11081 ensures that the SHDN,
connected at any time as long as the power
bus is properly connected.
A break in the power bus does not cause a
problem as long as there is no load on the
An AC-coupled bus with isolation on the SHDN
pin or a redundant bus-bar connection should
be used to protect against this case.
An AC-coupled bus with isolation on the SHDN
pin or a redundant bus-bar connection should
be used to protect against this case.
, and ALRM_ communication bus can be
, ALRM_ communication bus can be

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