COP8SE National Semiconductor, COP8SE Datasheet - Page 43



Manufacturer Part Number
8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and OTP Microcontrollers with 4k Memory and 128 Bytes EERAM
National Semiconductor
14.0 Development Support
• COP8-NSDEV: Very low cost Software Development
• COP8C: Moderately priced C Cross-Compiler and Code
• EWCOP8-KS: Very Low cost ANSI C-Compiler and Em-
• EWCOP8-AS: Moderately priced COP8 Assembler and
• EWCOP8-BL: Moderately priced ANSI C-Compiler and
• EWCOP8: Full featured ANSI C-Compiler and Embed-
• EWCOP8-M: Full featured ANSI C-Compiler and Embed-
Package for Windows. An integrated development envi-
ronment for COP8, including WCOP8 IDE, COP8C (lim-
ited version), COP8-NSASM, COP8-MLSIM.
Development System from Byte Craft (no code limit). In-
cludes BCLIDE (Byte Craft Limited Integrated Develop-
ment Environment) for Win32, editor, optimizing C Cross-
Compiler, macro cross assembler, BC-Linker, and
MetaLink tools support. (DOS/SUN versions available;
Compiler is installable under WCOP8 IDE; Compatible
with DriveWay COP8).
COP8Sx/Fx only with 2k code limit; No FP). A fully inte-
grated Win32 IDE, ANSI C-Compiler, macro assembler,
editor, linker, Liberian, C-Spy simulator/debugger, PLUS
MetaLink EPU/DM emulator support.
Embedded Workbench from IAR (no code limit). A fully in-
tegrated Win32 IDE, macro assembler, editor, linker, li-
brarian, and C-Spy high-level simulator/debugger with
I/O and interrupts support. (Upgradeable with optional
C-Compiler and/or MetaLink Debugger/Emulator sup-
Embedded Workbench from IAR (Baseline version: All
COP8 devices; 4k code limit; no FP). A fully integrated
Win32 IDE, ANSI C-Compiler, macro assembler, editor,
linker, librarian, and C-Spy high-level simulator/debugger.
(Upgradeable; CWCOP8-M MetaLink tools interface sup-
port optional).
ded Workbench for Windows from IAR (no code limit). A
fully integrated Win32 IDE, ANSI C-Compiler, macro as-
sembler, editor, linker, librarian, and C-Spy high-level
simulator/debugger. (CWCOP8-M MetaLink tools inter-
face support optional).
ded Workbench for Windows from IAR (no code limit). A
fully integrated Win32 IDE, ANSI C-Compiler, macro as-
sembler, editor, linker, librarian, C-Spy high-level
simulator/debugger, PLUS MetaLink debugger/hardware
interface (CWCOP8-M).
COP8 Productivity Enhancement Tools
• WCOP8 IDE: Very Low cost IDE (Integrated Develop-
• DriveWay-COP8: Low cost COP8 Peripherals Code
• COP8-UTILS: Free set of COP8 assembly code ex-
• COP8-MLSIM: Free Instruction Level Simulator tool for
COP8 Real-Time Emulation Tools
• COP8-DM: MetaLink Debug Module. A moderately
• IM-COP8: MetaLink iceMASTER
COP8 Device Programmer Support
• MetaLink’s EPU and Debug Module include development
• Third-party programmers and automatic handling equip-
• Factory programming available for high-volume require-
ment Environment) from KKD. Supports COP8C, COP8-
NSASM, COP8-MLSIM, DriveWay COP8, and MetaLink
debugger under a common Windows Project Manage-
ment environment. Code development, debug, and emu-
lation tools can be launched from the project window
Generation tool from Aisys Corporation. Automatically
generates tested and documented C or Assembly source
code modules containing I/O drivers and interrupt han-
dlers for each on-chip peripheral. Application specific
code can be inserted for customization using the inte-
grated editor. (Compatible with COP8-NSASM, COP8C,
and WCOP8 IDE.)
amples, device drivers, and utilities to speed up code de-
Windows. For testing and debugging software instruc-
tions only (No I/O or interrupt support).
priced real-time in-circuit emulation tool, with COP8 de-
vice programmer. Includes MetaLink Debugger, power
supply, emulation cables and adapters.
time in-circuit emulator for COP8 devices. Includes
COP8-NSDEV, Driveway COP8 Demo, MetaLink Win-
dows Debugger, and power supply. Package-specific
probes and surface mount adaptors are ordered sepa-
device programming capability for COP8 devices.
ment cover needs from engineering prototype and pilot
production, to full production environments.
. A full featured, real-

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