STC4130-I ETC2 [List of Unclassifed Manufacturers], STC4130-I Datasheet - Page 13



Manufacturer Part Number
Synchronous Clock for SETS
ETC2 [List of Unclassifed Manufacturers]
Synchronized Mode
The Synchronized mode may be entered automati-
cally, when in the Automatic Reference Selection
mode (as shown in figure 4), or manually, by writing
to the T(0/4)_Manual_Active_Ref registers (0x1f/
0x3c), selecting a reference as well as the operating
Each DPLL’s loop bandwidth may be set indepen-
dently. Loop bandwidth is selectable from 90mHz to
107Hz by writing to the T(0/4)_Bandwidth registers
(0x1d/ 0x3a).
In the “Synchronized” mode, bit 0 of the T(0/
4)_Control_Mode registers (0x1c, 0x39) deter-
mines the output clock to input reference phase
alignment mode. In “Arbitrary” mode, the clock output
phase relationship relative to the reference input
phase is according to the initial start-up phase. In
“Phase Align” mode, the output clocks are phase
aligned to the selected reference. (It should be noted
that output-to-reference phase alignment is meaning-
full only in those cases where the output frequency
and reference are the same or related by a factor of
When locked on an external reference, two holdover
histories are built, for use in Holdover mode:
1) Long-Term History – This is a long-term
2) Short-Term History – The short term history
averaged frequency of the selected external
reference, accumulated according to a sin-
gle-pole low pass filtering algorithm. The -
3dB point of the algorithm may be applica-
tion programmed for 9.7, 4.9, 2.4, 1.2, 0.61,
or 0.30 mHz, by writing to the T(0/
4)_HO_Ramp registers (0x30/ 0x4d). Inter-
nally, an express mode is used initially to
apply a lower time-constant to speed up the
history accumulation process. When a long
term history has been built, it is indicated as
available by the LHA bit 7 of the T(0/
Additionally, the application may flush/rebuild
this long-term history, by writing to the T(0/
4)_Accu_Flush registers (0x38, 0x55). The
long-term history is used when operating in
Holdover Mode, and may be read from the
ters (0x24-0x27/ 0x41-0x44).
may be programmed for a -3dB point of 2.5,
© Copyright 2006 The Connor-Winfield Corp.
Data Sheet #: TM084
In manual mode selection, there are two special
cases of the Synchronized mode:
a) “Zombie” Mode – If the selected active reference
signal is lost, the DPLL output is generated according
to a short-term history.
b) Out of Pull-in Range Mode - If the selected refer-
ence exceeds the pull-in range as programmed by
the application, the DPLL output may be pro-
grammed to stay at the pull-in range limit, or to follow
the reference. This is programmed by writing to bit 5
of the T(0/4)_Control_Mode registers (0x1c/ 0x39),
specifying whether to follow or not follow a reference
that has exceded the pull-in range.
Additionally, when a device is operated as a slave in
a master/slave pair (by tying the T(0/4)_M/S pin low),
the device locks and phase align on the cross-cou-
pled SyncLink
T4)_XSYNC_IN input.
When the device has locked on a reference, the
“SYNC” bit 0 is set in the T(0/4)_DPLL_Status regis-
ter (0x37/ 0x54). If synchronization is lost, the “LOL”
bit 2 is set in the T(0/4)_DPLL_Status register.
Holdover Mode
The application may select either of two sources of
frequency offset in Holdover mode, as determined by
writing bit 2 of the T(0/4)_Control_Mode registers
(0x1c/ 0x39):
a) Device Accumulated History Holdover Mode –
uses the long-term history accumulated by the
device to synthesize the DPLL output This is analo-
gous to the Freerun mode, except that the Holdover
algorithms effectively supply the “frequency offset”
from the holdover history.
b) User Supplied History Mode – The DPLL output
is synthesized according to an application supplied
4)_User_Accu_History registers (0x2c/ 0x49). To
facilitate the user’s accumulation of a holdover his-
tory, the user may read the short term history of the
4)_Shor_Term_Accu_History registers (0x28-0x2b/
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Page 13 of 44
1.24, 0.62, or 0.31 mHz by writing to the T(0/
4)_HO_Ramp registers (0x30/ 0x4d). The
short-term history is used, in the event of a
reference loss in manual reference selection
mode, and may be read from the
ters (0x28-0x2b/ 0x45-ox48)
Synchronous Clock for SETS
Specifications subject to change without notice
data link signal on the (T0/
Rev: P02
Data Sheet
Date: 12/5/06

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