pc87311a National Semiconductor Corporation, pc87311a Datasheet - Page 43



Manufacturer Part Number
Pc87311a/pc87312 Superi/otm Ii/iii Floppy Disk Controller With Dual Uarts, Parallel Port, And Ide Interface
National Semiconductor Corporation

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20 000
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5 0 FDC Functional Description
5 3 2 4 Interrupt Mode FIFO Enabled
The Interrupt (Non-DMA) mode with the FIFO enabled is
very similar to the Non-DMA mode with the FIFO disabled
In this case IRQ6 is asserted instead of DRQ under the
exact same FIFO threshold trigger conditions The MSR
should be read to verify that the interrupt is for a data trans-
fer The RQM and NON DMA bits (D7 and D5) in the MSR
will be set CS and RD or CS and WR must be used to
transfer the data in or out of the Data Register (A2 – A0 must
be valid) CS asserted by itself is not significant CS must be
asserted with RD or WR for a read or write transfer to be
The Burst mode may be used to hold the IRQ6 pin active
during a burst or the Non-Burst mode may be used to tog-
gle the IRQ6 pin for each byte of a burst The Main Status
Register is always valid from the mP point of view For ex-
ample during a read command after the last byte of data
has been read from the disk and placed in the FIFO the
MSR will still indicate that the Execution Phase is active
and that data needs to be read from the Data Register Only
after the last byte of data has been read by the mP from the
FIFO will the Result Phase begin
The same overrun and underrun error procedures from the
DMA mode apply to the Non-DMA mode Also whether
there is an error or not an interrupt is generated at the end
of the Execution Phase and is cleared by reading the first
Result Phase byte
5 3 2 5 Software Polling
If the Non-DMA mode is selected and interrupts are not
suitable the mP can poll the MSR during the Execution
Phase to determine when a byte is ready to be transferred
The RQM bit (D7) in the MSR reflects the state of the IRQ6
signal Otherwise the data transfer is similar to the Interrupt
Mode described above This is true for the FIFO enabled or
5 3 3 Result Phase
During the Result Phase the mP reads a series of bytes
from the data register These bytes indicate the status of the
command This status may indicate whether the command
executed properly or contain some control information (see
the Command Description Table and Status Register De-
scription) These Result Phase bytes are read in the order
specified for that particular command Some commands will
not have a result phase Also the number of result bytes
varies with each command All of the result bytes must be
read from the Data Register before the next command can
be issued
Like the Command Phase the Main Status Register con-
trols the flow of result bytes and must be polled by the
software before reading each Result Phase byte from the
Data Register The RQM bit (D7) and DIO bit (D6) must both
be set before each result byte can be read After the last
result byte is read the COM PROG bit (D4) in the MSR will
be cleared and the controller will be ready for the next com-
5 3 4 Idle Phase
After a hardware or software reset or after the chip has
recovered from the power down mode the controller enters
the Idle Phase Also when there are no commands in prog-
ress the controller will be in the Idle Phase The controller
will be waiting for a command byte to be written to the Data
Register The RQM bit will be set and the DIO bit will be
cleared in the MSR After receiving the first command (op-
code) byte the controller will enter the Command Phase
When the command is completed the controller again en-
ters the Idle Phase The Data Separator will remain synchro-
nized to the reference frequency while the controller is idle
While in the Idle Phase the controller will periodically enter
the Drive Polling Phase (see below)
5 3 5 Drive Polling Phase
While in the Idle Phase the controller will enter a Drive Poll-
ing Phase every 1 ms (based on the 500 kb s data rate)
While in the Drive Polling Phase the controller will interro-
gate the Ready Changed status for each of the four logical
drives The internal Ready changed status for each drive is
toggled only after a hardware or software reset and an in-
terrupt will be generated for drive 0 At this point the soft-
ware must issue four Sense Interrupt commands to clear
the Ready Changed State status for each drive This re-
quirement can be eliminated if drive polling is disabled via
the POLL bit in the Configure command The Configure
command must be issued within 500 ms (worst case ) of the
hardware or software reset for drive polling to be disabled
The controller uses the Drive Polling Phase to control the
Automatic Low Power mode Even if drive polling is dis-
abled drive stepping and delayed power down will occur in
the Drive Polling Phase The controller will check the status
of each drive and if necessary it will issue a step pulse on
the STEP output with the DIR signal at the appropriate logic
level When the Motor Off time has expired the controller
will wait 512 ms based on the 500 kb s and 1 Mb s data
rate before automatic powering down if this function is en-
abled via the Mode command
The internal data separator consists of an analog PLL and
its associated circuitry The PLL synchronizes the raw data
signal read from the disk drive The synchronized signal is
used to separate the encoded clock and data pulses The
data pulses are deserialized into bytes and then sent to the
The main PLL consists of five main components a phase
comparator a charge pump a filter a voltage controlled
oscillator (VCO) and a programmable divider The phase
comparator detects the difference between the phase of the
divider’s output and the phase of the raw data being read
from the disk This phase difference is converted to a cur-
rent by the charge pump which either charges or discharg-
es one of three filters which is selected based on the data
rate The resulting voltage on the filter changes the frequen-
cy of the VCO and the divider output to reduce the phase
difference between the input data and the divider’s output
The PLL is ‘‘locked’’ when the frequency of the divider is
exactly the same as the average frequency of the data read
from the disk A block diagram of the data separator is
shown in Figure 5-1
To ensure optimal performance the data separator incorpo-
rates several additional circuits The quarter period delay
line is used to determine the center of each bit cell and to
disable the phase comparator when the raw data signal is
mP by the controller

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