LP3962EMP-5.0 National Semiconductor, LP3962EMP-5.0 Datasheet - Page 12



Manufacturer Part Number
1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
National Semiconductor
Applications Information
Sense Pin
In applications where the regulator output is not very close to
the load, LP3965 can provide better remote load regulation
using the SENSE pin. Figure 2 depicts the advantage of the
SENSE option. LP3962 regulates the voltage at the output
pin. Hence, the voltage at the remote load will be the regula-
tor output voltage minus the drop across the trace resis-
Shutdown Operation
A CMOS Logic level signal at the shutdown ( SD) pin will
turn-off the regulator. Pin SD must be actively terminated
through a 10k pull-up resistor for a proper operation. If this
FIGURE 2. Improving remote load regulation using LP3965
FIGURE 1. Error Flag Operation
pin is driven from a source that actively pulls high and low
(such as a CMOS rail to rail comparator), the pull-up resistor
is not required. This pin must be tied to Vin if not used.
tance. For example, in the case of a 3.3V output, if the trace
resistance is 100m , the voltage at the remote load will be
3.15V with 1.5 A of load current, I
lates the voltage at the sense pin. Connecting the sense pin
to the remote load will provide regulation at the remote load,
as shown in Figure 2 . If the sense option pin is not required,
the sense pin must be connected to the V
. The LP3965 regu-

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