ADP315PC87570 National Semiconductor, ADP315PC87570 Datasheet - Page 97



Manufacturer Part Number
Keyboard and Power Management Controller
National Semiconductor
Bit 0 - Start of Transaction Interrupt Enable (SOTIE)
Bit 1 - End of Transaction Interrupt Enable (EOTIE)
Bit 2 - Disabled Shift Mechanism Interrupt Enable (DSMIE)
This bit is used for enabling the interrupt generation on
a transaction start detection. When set (1), the interrupt
signal (PSINT1) to the ICU is active (1) whenever the
PSTAT.SOT bit is set. When SOT is cleared (0), the
PSSTAT.SOT bit does not affect the interrupt signal.
Once set, SOT is not cleared until the shift mechanism
is reset. Therefore SOTIE should be cleared on the first
occurrence of an SOT interrupt. SOTIE should be set (1)
when the PS/2 module is programmed to handle the im-
pending transfer.
This bit is used for enabling the interrupt generation on
an End of Transaction detection. When set (1), the inter-
rupt signal (PSINT1) to the ICU is active (1) whenever
the PSTAT.EOT bit is set. When EOTIE is cleared (0),
the PSSTAT.EOT bit does not affect the interrupt signal.
Once set, EOT is not cleared until the shift mechanism
is reset. Therefore EOTIE should be cleared on the first
occurrence of an EOT interrupt. EOTIE should be set (1)
when the PS/2 module is programmed to handle the im-
pending transfer.
This bit is used for enabling the interrupt generation
when the shift mechanism is disabled. When set (1), the
clock input signals are connected to the Interrupt Con-
trol Unit (ICU), to allow implementing an interrupt driven
PS/2 protocol. The three interrupts generated are
PSINT1, PSINT2 and PSINT3, for channels 1, 2 and 3,
respectively. When cleared (0), the three interrupt sig-
nals are low. Note that PSINT1 may be activated (1) by
other interrupt sources of the module.
When the shift mechanism is disabled, no debounce is
applied to the PSCLK inputs before producing the inter-
rupt signals, except for local synchronization.
PS/2 Interface

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