ADAM24P08 ETC, ADAM24P08 Datasheet - Page 33



Manufacturer Part Number
Remote Control Transmitter
(31) ALEM
(32) ALEI
(33) MNEZ
Naming :
Status :
Format :
Function :
Naming :
Status :
Format :
Function :
Naming :
Status :
Format :
Function :
Accumulator Less Equal Memory
Carry to status
A ≤ M(X,Y)
Data of the accumulator is, through a complement addition,
subtracted from data in the memory location addressed by the
X and Y-register. Carry data obtained is transferred to the
status. When the status is ″1″, it indicates that the data of
the accumulator is less than or equal to the data of the
memory word. Neither of those data is not changed.
Accumulator Less Equal Immediate
Carry to status
A ≤ i
Data of the accumulator and the constant are arithmetically
Data of the accumulator is, through a complement addition,
subtracted from the constant that exists in 4bit operand.
Carry data obtained is transferred to the status.
The status is set when the accumulator value is less than or
equal to the constant. Data of the accumulator is left
Memory Not Equal Zero
Comparison results to status
M(X,Y) ≠ 0
A memory word is compared with zero.
Data in the memory addressed by the X and Y-register is
logically compared with zero. Comparison data is
transferred to the status. Unless it is zero, the status is set.
Page 32 of 36
ST ← 1 (when A ≤ M(X,Y))
ST ← 0 (when A > M(X,Y))
ST ← 1 (when A ≤ i)
ST ← 0 (when A > i)
ST ← 1(when M(X,Y) ≠ 0)
ST ← 0 (when M(X,Y) = 0)
3. Instruction
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