

Manufacturer Part Number
Daily Checkout:
To be Performed at every Power-up, Shift Change, and Machine Setup Change
Daily checkout and checkouts after tooling and machine setup changes must be
performed by a Designated Person, appointed and identified in writing by the employer.
1) Verify that all point-of-operation guards are in place and operating properly.
2) Verify that the two actuating devices must be simultaneously engaged to actuate
3) For single-cycle machines: Verify that maintained engagement of the two
4) For part-revolution clutch machinery: Verify that release of either actuating device
5) Verify that the Mute indicator comes ON during the non-hazardous portion of the
6) Verify that release of the hand controls is possible during the mute cycle and that
7) Verify that the machine cycle stops any time the mute cycle ends or when the SSI
8) Verify that the distance from each actuating device to the closest hazard point is
Semi-Annual Checkout:
To be Performed at Six-Month Intervals
This semi-annual checkout must be performed by a Qualified Person.* A copy of the
test results should be kept on or near the machine.
1) Perform the daily checkout procedure as explained above.
2) Perform the initial checkout procedure (see page 11).
3) Calculate the separation distance (see page 8), and verify that the actuating devices
4) Verify that the actuating devices are positioned to require the use of both hands for
5) Inspect the machine controls and the connections to the DUO-TOUCH SG Safety
*Qualified Person: A person who, by possession of a recognized degree or certificate of profes-
the machine.
actuating devices results in only one machine cycle.
results in the immediate arrest of the machine motion.
machine cycle and that the muting function occurs only when exposure to the
safeguarded hazard is not possible.
the machine cycle is not stopped.
input opens.
not less than the calculated safety distance (see page 8).
are far enough away from the nearest hazard point. Relocate the actuating devices,
if necessary.
operation, and are protected from false or inadvertent operation.
Module to ensure that wiring is correct, as described on pages 8 and 9, and that
no modifications have been made which could adversely affect the System.
sional training, or who, by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully
demonstrated the ability to solve problems relating to the installation, maintenance and use
of the DUO-TOUCH SG Two-Hand Control Safety System.
P/N 109782
Periodic Checkout and Maintenance
SG –
Models AT-GM-11KM and AT-HM-11KM Two-Hand Control Modules
Banner Engineering Corp. • Tel: 763.544.3164
cannot be verified, the two-hand-control
system must not be used until the
problem has been corrected. Injury or
death to personnel may result from
attempts to use the machine under such
Use System Until
Checkouts Are Verified
If all of the described checks
Minneapolis, MN U.S.A.
Do Not

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