mu9c4k64-90tdi Music Semiconductors, Inc., mu9c4k64-90tdi Datasheet - Page 2



Manufacturer Part Number
Mu9c Routing Coprocessor Rcp Family
Music Semiconductors, Inc.
The MU9C RCP family consists of 4K and 8K x 64-bit
Routing CoProcessors (RCPs) with a 32-bit wide data
interface and a 32-bit ternary compare instruction. The
device is designed for use in layer 3 switches, routers, and
layer 2 switches to provide very high throughput address
translation using tables held in external RAM. The MU9C
RCP has a fully deterministic search time, independent of
the size of the list and the position of the data in the list.
This unique feature guarantees that the wire speed address
recognition does not impact the latency or induce some
jitter on the latency of the global system. Address fields
from the packet header are compared against a list of
entries stored in the array. As a result of the comparison,
The MU9C RCP is designed to act as an address translator for
lookup tables in layer 3 switches, routers, and layer 2
switches. Refer to Figure 2 for a simplified block diagram of
a switch. During normal operation, the controller extracts the
address information from an arriving packet to form the
comparand, which is then compared against the contents of
the MU9C RCP. The MU9C RCP generates an index that is
used to access the data in an external RAM, which holds the
destination port for accessing the network. The controller
reads the data from the RAM and forwards the packet.
A unique feature of the MU9C RCP is its ternary comparison
that processes IPv4 CIDR addresses in a single cycle. The
bits of each MU9C RCP word are paired, such that each pair
can contain two binary values (0,1) or one ternary (0,1,X=
"Don't Care") value. A ternary value uses two bits, pairing bit
n from the first 32 bits (31-0) with bit n+32. When storing a
ternary 0 or 1, the value to be stored is written into bit n
(0<=n<=31), and the complement of the value is written to bit
n+32. Thus, a ternary 0 written to ternary pair 7 would consist
of a 0 stored in bit 7 and a 1 stored in bit 39. When storing a
ternary X, 0 is written to both bits in the pair.
Using bit pairs that are 32 bits apart simplifies the
computation of the pair by a processor. Assume that the
ternary value we wish to store is contained in two 32-bit
processor words. Word A contains the value to be stored and
word M contains a mask value, with a 0 in each position at
which an X is to be stored. The value to be written to bits
31-0 of the MU9C RCP is (A&M) and the value to be written
to bits 63-32 of the MU9C RCP is (~A&M).
A special instruction, CMPT DQ, performs the ternary
comparison processing for IPv4 CIDR addresses. The data on
the DQ bus are used directly as both the comparand and
compare mask bits 31-0, and the one's complement of the DQ
bus data are used as both the comparand and compare mask
MU9C Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
the MU9C RCP generates an index that is used to access
an external RAM where port mapping data and other
associated information is stored.
A set of control states provides a powerful and flexible
control interface to the MU9C RCP. This control structure
allows memory read and write, register read and write,
data move, comparison, validity control, addressing
control, and initialization operations.
The MU9C RCP architecture uses direct hardware control
of the device and an independent bus for returning match
results. Software control is also supported for systems
where maximum performance is not needed.
bits 63-32. As a result, this instruction matches a DQ bit of 0
with bit pairs storing both 0 and X, and a DQ bit of 1 matches
bit pairs storing both 1 and X.
IPv4 CIDR addresses are prioritized by placing their
ternary-encoded values into the MU9C RCP memory such
that entries with longer netmasks (longer matches) have
higher priority (lower indices). Thus, when the MU9C RCP
performs a ternary comparison, it will return the index of the
longest matching entry. Typically, the system is initialized by
a processor that writes routing table information into the
MU9C RCP. The index at which a write takes place is driven
onto the PA:AA bus, so that output port data can be written
simultaneously into the external RAM at the correct index.
The validity of a location in the Address Database is
determined by an extra bit called the Validity bit. This bit is
set and reset either with an index or an associative match.
Therefore, when a new entry is written to the database, its
Validity bit is set valid.
When a database location is deleted, the Validity bit for that
entry is reset, and the index of the location is driven onto the
Active Address bus. This simple mechanism allows easy
maintenance of the tables in both the database and the
external RAM.
The MU9C RCP supports simple daisy chained vertical
cascading that serves to prioritize multiple devices and
provides system-level match and full indication. If the slight
timing overhead associated with the daisy chain is
unacceptable, the MU9C RCP is designed to facilitate
external prioritization across multiple devices.
For layer 2 applications, the MAC addresses are processed in
a binary mode, and the MU9C RCP looks for an exact match.
An MU9C RCP can be used to process both MAC addresses
and IPv4 CIDR in the same device.
General Description
Rev. 8.10

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